Titans Part 1

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Chapter 1: Alex

"You need to leave this place." a cat man said

"Miclor where are we going to go?" A woman said

"Get far away from here." Miclor said. "Remember I no longer have to stay here I need to find the other five."

Let's start from the beginning. Miclor is a cat titan he is the shape of a normal human but stronger than one he can change his forms to a cat or a bigger titan which is a bigger cat.

"Miclor look it's my son!" the women shouted (she is human so is the son she has a husband he is dead and Miclor helps out sometimes for her)

"What." Miclor said as he turned around

"Here." the woman said as she handed her son to him

"What are you doing Luna?" Miclor said

"You can help take care of him." Luna said

"What!?" Miclor said

"Hush or you'll wake him and besides you can do what you did for me and the others." Luna said

"But he's your son, not mine." Miclor said as he handed him back to her

"You can still take care of him." Luna said

"Fine then." Miclor said

They put the son in bed and he grabbed hold of Miclor's tail and bit it.

"Ouch." Miclor said as he jumped and the son let go of his tail

"Well, it seems that he has taken a liking to you Miclor." Luna said

"You think." Miclor said as rubbed his tail

"That reminds me I need to give him a name." Luna said

"How about Alex." Miclor said

"See you still like kids." Luna said

"Hush you know why I can't. I lost five kids (not his) and was only able to save you and him but I can't do it again." Miclor said

"I know." Luna said

"So you are going to have to do this yourself but I still will be near. There are the other two that are close by and I will watch them for now." Miclor said

"Ok well, good luck Miclor." Luna said

"You too." Miclor said as he disappeared

"I hope Alex remembers you." Luna said

Five years later Miclor came back for a bit.

"Kitty man." Alex said as he ran up to Milcor

"I got a name Alex it's Miclor." Miclor said

"Kitty man." Alex said

"Fine, then it's kitty man." Miclor said

"Good to see you again Miclor." Luna said

"You too." Miclor said

"I see Alex calls you kitty man now." Luna said

"Yes, and it's annoying." Miclor said

"Well just spend time with him for now because I have to go and get some things." Luna said as she started walking away

"Wait what!" Miclor said as he tried to follow her

"Kitty man." Alex said as he grabbed his tail

"Fine come here." Miclor said as he picked Alex up

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