Titans Part 6

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Chapter 6: Tocky (Gaean and Lion)

They went down to everyone else and saw someone else standing there and he was a white tiger.

"Hey Phoenix who is this?" Miclor asked as he came over and Alex followed behind

"Oh you're awake and this Gaean." she said

"So why does he look familiar?" Miclor asked

"Come with me I have to tell you something." she said as she grabbed hold of his hand and walked off with him

They went off to a corner.

"Gaean is Tocky that was the only way to save him." she said

"So he was alive and you didn't come over and tell me that he was!" Miclor yelled

"I'm sorry but-." she said as she was interrupted

"No "sorry" you should've told me!" Miclor yelled as he ran off

He ran out of there ran out the door and changed to his big cat form.

"Miclor wait!" Alex yelled as he followed behind

Anos went over to phoenix.

"It isn't your fault." Anos said

"Yes, it is if I told him about Tocky sooner it wouldn't come out this way." Phoenix said as she looked at him

"It couldn't be helped you couldn't have known." Anos said

Miclor was running then he changed to his human form and stopped.

"Why didn't she tell me all this time I was waiting to know." Miclor said to himself

"Miclor!" Alex yelled as he ran up to him. "Why are you so fast?"

"Alex, why did she lie to me?" Miclor asked as he started to cry and sat on the ground

"Miclor I don't know. She might've had a reason to?" Alex said as he came over and hugged him

"I've been waiting to know." Miclor said hugged him as well

"Well kitty-man time to get up." Alex said as he got up

"See you did know who I was." Miclor said as he also got up

"No, I just thought it would make you feel better." Alex said

"Well, I might want to go back and apologize." Miclor said

"Miclor is your name right?" Gaean asked as he came over to them

"Yes, that's me." Miclor said

"What was I like back then when you met me?" Tocky asked

"You were always quiet, and Luna liked your eyes and everyone liked to be around you." Miclor said

"Aw, a touching reunion." Moniky said as he came out from the darkness. "But are you suppose to be dead?"

"Moniky what do you want?" Miclor asked as got in front of them

"Well to see how're doing Miclor." Moniky said

"Well, you can go now." Miclor said

"Well I all want is to talk for now." Moniky said

"You don't need to." Alex said

"Miclor who is he?" Gaean asked

"I'm his brother." Moniky said

"So you had your little talk now leave." Miclor said

"Oh, so you don't want to finish our little fight we had the other day?" Moniky asked as he changed to his titan form

"I want both of you to leave I don't want you to get hurt." Miclor said

"No, I will stay here." Alex said

"Alright, then Tocky I leave Alex in your hands." Miclor said as he looked at him

"Alright." Tocky said

"But Miclor I want to help too." Alex said

"No. Stay there." Miclor said

"Why are you so protective over one little kid?" Moniky asked

"Lion where are you?" Tocky asked (Gaean) asked himself

Miclor changed into his titan form as he ran at Moniky.

"Alex come on we have to get out of here." Gaean said

"No, I can't leave he's the only family I have left." Alex said as he looked at him

"I'm sorry but I don't think you have a choice anymore." Tocky said as he changed to his titan form and picked him up and ran off with him

"No! Let go of me!" Alex yelled

"I'm sorry." Tocky said as he ran off with him

"Well, I guess we can go all out now can't we?" Moniky said

"Yes let's do this." Miclor said

"Come on you two stop fighting." a voice said

"Ug not you too." Moniky said

"Yes me too." the voice said as they walked out

"Lion." Miclor said

"That's me and don't wear it out." Lion said

"Always butting in now are we." Moniky said

"Why thank you." Lion said

"Wait what about Alex!" Miclor yelled

"He's fine." Lion replied. "They are the ones who told me where you were at."

"Thank god." Miclor said

"Man everyone is starting to get on my nerves today. Let me have some time with my brother." Moniky said

"Um, maybe another day." Lion said

"But lion I can take him." Miclor said

"But did you forget about Alex and Gaean." Lion said

"Fine then have your talk we can finish this another day." Moniky said as he changed back then walked away

"Come on out you two." Lion said as he looked over his shoulder

"Miclor why don't you want to tell me the truth?" Tocky asked as him and Alex came out. "Like how I got this way?"

"I'm sorry but you're going to ask Phoenix." Miclor said as he changed back

"But why not you?" Tocky asked

"I just can't." Miclor said

"But Miclor!" he yelled

"I'm sorry." Miclor said as he ran off

"Wait!" Tocky yelled as he started running after him but Lion stopped him

"No leave him be for now he will come back if he is ready." Lion said

"But we can't just leave him." Tocky said

"He'll be alright." Alex said

"Alright." Tocky said

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