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"A little rumour can't hurt can it?"

Clementine woke up the next morning cuddled up to warm body within her bed

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Clementine woke up the next morning cuddled up to warm body within her bed. Clementine hummed softly before slowly opening her eyes to the sun which flowed through the blinds within the hotel room that she was staying in.

Her eyes slowly fluttered open and look at the body that was next to her.

It was Lando.

She quickly pulled her arms away from his body and moved to get out of the bed. She was still dressed in what she was wearing last night, so she was sure that they hadn't done anything

Soon enough Lando eyes started to open and he sat up, looking over at Clementine who was standing by the window.

"How long have you been standing there staring at me buttercup?" Lando chuckled as Clementine grew a light shade of red on her cheeks.

"How did we end up like this Lando?" Clementine ignored his question, still wondering how she had ended up in her hotel room, sleeping with Lando last night.

"I got a bit too drunk and you invited me up" Lando soon grabbed the shirt by the side of the bed before getting up himself. Clementine then looked at her phone to see what the time was.

"Fuck Lando, we're gonna be late to practice" Clementine quickly grabbed her team top and skirt before heading to the bathroom to get changed.

"I'm quickly gonna head to me room buttercup, and I'll meet you downstairs and give you a lift" With that Lando left Clementines room to go and freshen himself up too.

Clementine couldn't believe that she had invited Lando up to her room last night, she must've had too many drinks. But to say that Lando wasn't a good looking guy, Clementine would be lying to herself. She sometimes wondered what it would be like to dating another driver from the grid.

After grabbing her phone, hotel room key and her cap, she quickly made her way down to the hotel lobby, to see Lando was already waiting there for her. She wondered how the hell he was able to get dressed much quicker than her.

With Clementine by his side, Lando soon lead her to his orange McLaren that he would be taking them to the track in. At the car, he held the door open for Clementine. She smiled brightly at him before hopping in the car. The car journey wasn't a long one, only about 15 minutes. There was a silence between the two, not an awkward one, a comfortable silence. At the traffic lights, Lando to a quick glance over at Clementine and softly bit his lip.

"You're looking beautiful as ever buttercup" Clementine giggled at his comment, another blush creeping over her cheeks. Somehow with every compliment he gave her, she seemed to blush even more than the time before.

Soon enough, Lando pulled up into the carpark of the paddock, he put his cap on and jumped out the car. Clementine got out before closing the car door slowly behind her, not wanting to break the beautiful McLaren. She then caught up Lando, who had already started walking towards the turnstiles at the start of the paddock.

"How would you be up for going out for dinner on Sunday after the race buttercup?" Lando asked while they both walked through the turnstiles.

"I would love to Lando" She smiled at him before pulling him for a quick hug.

"Good luck today, you'll do great" She whispered to him before pulling away and making her way to the Toro Rosso motorhome. When she turned round to take a last glance at Lando, he was standing there with his trainer, smiling like a little kid.

Clementine giggled before walking into the motorhome. There stood Adam and Riya smirking at her while she walked through the door.

"There she is" Riya smirked before they all went towards Clementine's drivers room.

"How was your night with Mr Norris?" Adam chuckled, while once again Clementine's cheeks grew red.

"I had fun, but we didn't do anything like that" Adam sighed at the comment and opened up his wallet to give Riya a £20 note.

"I told you so" Riya had a massive grin on her face when she was given the money. Clementine stood their laughing at the little bet they had between themselves.

"Right, Clem, you've got about 10 minutes before practice one, so get ready, and I'll warm you up at the back of a garage" Clementine nodded as Adam walked out the door to make his way to the Toro Rosso garage.

Clementine put on her fire proof garments very quickly before throwing on her blue Toro Rosso suit. She grabbed her pink helmet of the table before putting her hair into a low bun, so that it's out of the way while she goes on track.

Today would be the first time she would be driving an F1 car in the official F1 season. On the way to the garage to meet up with Adam, a wave of nerves came over Clementine. She sighed and had a bit of her drink. She would be fine. Hopefully.

The first ever practice went alright for Clementine, she finished in P7 which was a great effort and in practice two she came P11.

On making her way back to the motorhome, she spotted Pierre and rushed over to him. Pierre smiled at her before wrapping her up in a massive hug.

"You did great Clem" Clementine pulled away from her brother with a big smile on her face. Even though it was just practice sessions, she was still so proud of herself.

While having a chat with Pierre, Clementine's got drawn by a certain someone in blue and orange walking past her and her brother to his motorhome. With his suit wrapped around his waist, Clementine couldn't help but bit her lip. Pierre noticed his sister's action and turned in the direction that caught her attention.

Pierre smirked once he saw the certain British boy walk past them.

"You can't stop staring at him can you" Pierre chuckled while Clementine turned round to look at him. She blushed brightly before biting her lip again.

"I'm not staring" She giggled slightly before Pierre started laughing at her.

"You seemed to be cosy last night Clem" Pierre took his phone out and showed a photo that he took of Clementine and Lando.

(Imagine this photo is photo is Clementine and Lando)

"You both had a lot of drink last night but at least you could handle your drink" Pierre chuckled at Clementine's surprised reaction to the photo

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"You both had a lot of drink last night but at least you could handle your drink" Pierre chuckled at Clementine's surprised reaction to the photo. Clementine then smiled slightly at the photo, having to admit that her and Lando looked cute together.

"Cate and Dilara couldn't keep their mouths shut, so there may be a little rumour going around the paddock" Clementine giggled slightly, know Cate and Dilara were terrible at keeping secrets.

"I better not tell them what I've got planned on Sunday after the race then"

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jul 17, 2019 ⏰

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C'est La Vie - Lando NorrisTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang