The downside of living with a spy (Part 2)

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"I'm just in denial that I have to get that towel washed" I laugh "Bucky made cookies? Which ones?!" Bucky's cookies are absolutely phenomenal.

"The ones with an overload of chocolate chips" Dad laughs, knowing that I'm absolutely in love with Bucky's cookies. "THOSE ARE MY FAVOURITE!!" I yell, celebrating. "He knows, that's why he made those" Dad smiles at my excitement "Come on, let's go upstairs."


When we walk into the living room I am greeted with a loud "BABYBOY". I smile and turn around, meeting the eyes of my boyfriend. "Hey Wade" I laugh as I hug him, Wade's taller than me and I can nuzzle into his neck perfectly. "Hey babyboy, I can stay tonight! Mr.Stark says so!" I try to hide my smile when he says that, it's just so incredibly cute how happy he is about it. And I'm incredible happy too, because Dad isn't the biggest fan of Wade. I let Wade go, kiss him lightly and ask him softly if he could go help Pops in the kitchen.

After he kissed me on my cheek he left with an cheerful "Sure, anything for you babyboy!".

"Dad, where are you?" "Here Pete" Dad answers while walking out of the kitchen. I run to him and hug him tight "Thank you for giving him a chance" I say, happier than I've been all day. " Well, he seems to make you happy" Dad smiles "And I just want you to be happy. So I'll give him a chance, but as soon as he hurts you in even the slightest way he'll never be allowed inside again" Dad threatens. "He won't, I promise"

"Honey? Dinner's ready" Pops sticks his head out of the kitchen. "Okay Babe, we're coming!" Dad answers and we walk into the dining room. And Dad wasn't lying, everyone is here!

"Hey Auntie Nat" I greet her, hugging her as I walk past. I love everyone, but after my dads (and Morgan ofcourse), I love her probably the most out of all the other Avengers. Along with Pepper and Wade of course, but they both aren't technically Avengers. "Hey everyone!" I get a chorus of "Hey Pete" back and I walk to Uncle Bucky and hug him too. "I heard you made my favorite cookies, thanks!" I thank him. "No problem kid" He says giving me a hug back.

"Peter!" I turn around and pick up Morgan. "Hey Mor" I answer. "Let's eat!" Pops suggests. We all get sit down, and I have Morgan on one side of me and Wade on the other. Uncle Pietro sits across from me and next to him sit Aunt Wanda and Auntie Nat. "It looks delicious Babe" Dad says and he gives Pops a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks Honey" Pops answers "Let's eat!"

In the middle of dinner, I'm talking to Morgan and Wade is holding my hand under the table when Auntie Nat suddenly dooms me. And I mean DOOMS me. She pulls a piece of paper out of her pocket "Hey Pete, is there something you want to inform us about?" she smirks.

Shit Shit Shit. I hid that thing. Although I realise that trying to hide something at the bottom of my backpack isn't really going to trick a super spy. Shit Shit Shit.

"Uhm, not really actually" I answer trying to hide myself behind Wade. "What's going on babyboy?" Wade asks concerned. "Nothing babe, it's okay" I whisper back "I'm fine"

"It seems like Pete is going on a fieldtrip this friday." Auntie Nat smirks.

 "That's nice Pete, where are you going to?" Dad, Uncle Clint and Uncle Bruce ask at the same time. I look at Pops, completely panicking. He looks at me and mouths "Don't worry, it'll be okay. Tell them" I look at him like he's an complete idiot. He nods encouraging. I sigh and mumble "I'm going here" so soft that nobody hears it, except for Wade. That's not that crazy, given that I've decided that I really like to hide behind him. He wraps me in his arms and whispers "It's going to be okay babyboy. Just tell them, otherwise I'm sure Ms.Romanov is going to in a minute. And quite frankly, I think that's worse." I sigh and look around. I decide to come out of my hiding place, which is behind Wade, and instead stand in front of Wade while I keep holding on to his hand.

"I'm going to the tower this year" I sigh.

"That's great" Dad and Uncle Clint laugh. Uncle Bruce looks troubled, like he knows what my problem with this whole thing is.

"No, it's not" I start to ramble "Nobody knows I'm 'Peter Stark-Rogers' and I like to keep it that way! I love all of you with my whole heart, but I don't want people to know you guys are my family! I want people to keep thinking I'm still 'Peter Parker' and that I can know who are my friends for who I am and not for the fact that I'm the child of freaking Iron Man and Captain America!"

Pops walks up to me and hugs me, leaving his usual 'language', and looks at Dad. "Tony, I talked to him this afternoon and I already signed the slip under the name May Parker. Let's leave this alone, or we are going to need to have a press conference about who our kids are. And Pete doesn't want that, and Morgan is way to young for that kind of attention" Pops says, while looking at his husband. "Okay" Dad just says, softly.

"Let's go and watch a movie to cheer everyone up!" Uncle Pietro suggests, trying to lighten the mood. "Yeah, good idea!" Uncle Loki agrees "What movie? Maze Runner?" "Yeah, I love that movie!" I say.

"Okay, I'm going to put Morgan to bed first. This is not a movie for 5 year olds" Pops says, grabbing Morgans hand "Clint, Scott. Can Nate and Cassie stay?" he asks before leaving the room. "Let's get Cassie to bed too, I don't think this is a good movie for her yet." Scott answers "Come on Cassie, let's go!" "Nate can stay if he wants to" Clint says. Nate doesn't stand up, so he'll stay.

"Goodnight Peter!" Morgan says, hugging me and giving me a kiss on the cheek "Sleep tight Mor" I answer while hugging her back.

We all walk into the living room and everyone seeks a place to sit on the enormous couches and the several beanbags laying around the room. I end up on the end of a couch with Wade. Dad sits on the other end of our couch, leaving a spot for Pops. Pops and Scott come in 5 minutes later and we start the movie.

"Newt's cute" Wade whispers in my ear. I turn around, looking at him with fake jealousy "Excuse me?". "And you are cute when you are jealous" Wade laughs "Even if it's fake" He kisses my cheek and we turn our attention to the movie again.

Even if they agreed to leave it alone, I'm still dreading friday. It'll be okay. I hope.

A superfamily with a fieldtrip destination (Peter Parker/Spidey) ✔️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن