Chapter 18

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Chapter 18


I was so lost in my bitter thoughts that it took a while before I realized Garrick was trying to get my attention. He nodded his head to the left, indicating he wanted me to go with him.

Zach and Kate were looking at us curiously, but Garrick led me away, promising the twins that we would be back in a little while.

As we walked away, I heard Elanor tell Zach to come with her. Kate settled down on the steps of the castle to wait.

We crossed a bridge over the largest waterfall and sat down in a gazebo on the other side. By the look on his face, I knew Garrick wanted to discuss strategy. I glanced around suspiciously for any ravens that might carry a message back to Orla. Then it occurred to me that Garrick had chosen this place deliberately. The roar of the falls would block anyone, or anything, from hearing us even from only a few feet away.

“What is it?” I asked, trying—and not succeeding—to keep the distress and fatigue out of my voice.

“I know you’re weary and heartbroken,” he said, “but I think we have to act quickly. If Orla is desperate enough for power that she would banish her only daughter, we can’t wait. I know Kate wants to go get the trees in order to assure Cole’s safety, but we both know that Orla can’t be counted on to keep her promises. Besides…” His voice faded and he looked torn, but he continued, “Queen Alea and Queen Meira won’t be easily persuaded to help us.”

I pointed out, “Nor will they help Orla and that’s probably a good thing. They are not her allies in any sense of the word.”

“Well, but neither are they ours. I’m not sure we could count on either of them if it comes to war. They are far away from Orla. Their lands don’t border hers as ours do. They don’t trade with her.”

“True,” I agreed. “So, what are you proposing?”

“I think we should ignore the letter.” He took a deep breath. “I think Zach and I should go rescue Dulcina and Tania while you and Kate go get Cole. I will send a messenger to Ketharnavell telling them to get ready for battle. My mother and father can appeal to our allies throughout Avalbane, and I have a strong feeling that once we have the three McKinnons together, we will be a formidable force.”

“Whoa,” I said. “So you think we should split up and that I should take Kate with me?” I watched him carefully when I added, “Her magic might come in handy in a sticky situation and Zach is the Oracle. He’ll be taking my father’s place eventually, so it might be better if he comes to the capital in Lynwellin with me.”

Garrick jumped to his feet and began pacing. “Zach will go to Brynallt eventually—there’s no rush about that. You have people in place there who will take care of things for now. And,” he hesitated a little as if the next part was painful for him, “You can teach Kate what you’ve learned to enhance her skills. It…is very hard to be around her knowing that nothing can come of my affection for her.”

I said quickly, “We’re not completely sure about that. I wouldn’t trust Kella any farther than I could throw her.” I added, “Don’t give up yet.”

Garrick only nodded and stood up. “Are we agreed then?”

I sighed and stood up too. “Yes. I’ll need time to bury my father and make a new amulet.” Suddenly through the fog of grief, something occurred to me. “What about Orla’s spies? Won’t they report to her that no one is going to Aldaland?”

Garrick nodded. “Good point. We’ll have to send decoys. Orla hasn’t actually seen the twins. If two young people, hooded and cloaked, set off in that direction, it should buy us enough time. We will leave under the cover of darkness the night before…”

The Oracle of AvalbaneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora