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Pov y/n

I was almost ready to become an Guardian Angel. I ran to Emma and gave her a hug. She smiled. "Hey y/n" she said and hugged me too. "Hey! Do you know how long i've been here actually?" I asked her. "Almost a year." Se said and smiled. "A year... What month is it?" I asked "July"

"What day of July?" "The 15th." She said and letted me go just like i did. "Tomorrow it's my birthday..." i said a little sad. "Hey, cheer up! You have friends up here and you had a wonderful year right? You're gonna become a guardian angel and you'll protect your person." She said and smiled at me. I nodded and walked further into the training building to suit up. I waved at her before. I got dressed and ran up to the field.

2 hours of training and fighting later, i walked out dressed in my normal clothes. "Hey y/n!" I heard and looked back to see Jasmin. "Hey!" I greeted her and stopped to let her catch up to me. We began to walk again. "So how about you, coming to my place?" She asked me. "No, i'm going home i'm really tired, sorry Jasmin." I said and kissed her cheeck and walked to my door and opened the door of my house. "No problem, see you tomorrow then?" She asked me and i nodded.

I walked in my room and fell. The next moment i was having a free fall. I looked down to see the farmiliar Queens. I screamed and tried to find a rope in hope that a parachute is attached to it. But i couldn't find a rope or a parachute. Ofcourse. I was falling really hard. I started overthinking. Can angels die??? I questioned myself. I turned around so my back would hit the ground first.

The moment i accepted i'm about to die, or have really much pain, i felled something on my back pulling me faster to the ground. I yelled as hard as i could. I looked down and saw the ground coming really close, and then i got pulled up. I looked around to see Spiderman who swinged with me attached to a web of his. We landed eventually on a rooftop. I got up and looked around.

"Oh my god!" I yelled out and turned to Spiderman. He looked at me and it looked like i scared him. "Y y y/n?" He said and i could hear the breaking in his voice. "Do i know you?" I asked a bit pannicked, knowing i'm in Queens. Spiderman just swinged away. He knows me. Oh my god bad thing bad thing! I pannicked. I tried to talk with Peter.

'Peter? Peter can you hear me?!' I asked. No answer.

I sat down and didn't know what to do. I need to have other clothes, and a mask. I'm wearing an white dress but no shoes. Because i was home so yeah. Luckily i've got my jacket with me so i pulled my hood on and keeped my head down.

I walked to my hotel and remembered that Jami probably took everything with her. I looked around to see the familar long curly brown hair. She wanted to cross the street and looked right and left, and crossed over. I could see her face and inmediatly i held my head down and walked further. It's Jami. I started to tear up, from who i left behind. She walked behind me i could tell.

I walked faster and eventually runned and crossed the street without looking. "No! Stop! Don't do the same!" I heard her yell. A car tried to stop and i jumped over the car that was riding towards me, and stopped a few moments later. My hood fell off. I ran again and dissapeared for her. I hided. "What? Where is she?" I could hear Jami saying. I walked further and started to tear up again. Why is this happening?

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