Negan x reader/Simon x sister!reader - Say sorry to Richard

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'Simon, do you have a moment?'

'For you always, (y/n). Is everything alright?'

Somehow, he always knows when something's bothering you. With a long sigh you lead Simon in an empty hallway. With a frown he softly strokes your arm.

'Hey Marshmallow, tell me what's wrong? Did someone hurt you?'

The thought someone has hurt his baby sister let a deep frown appear on his brows.

'I swear if someone dared to lay a hand...'

'It's nothing like this, Si. I just... Did Negan start to sleep with his other wives again?'

A few tears already begin to fall down your cheeks without a way to stop it, you're just too scared to lose the love of your life.

'Oh Marshmallow, of course not. Negan loves you more than anything, he would never betray you like this and leader or not, believe me I would never let him hurt you.'

Seeing you this distressed always breaks Simon's heart, no matter how mean and strict he is towards everyone else you're the exception.

'Are you sure he doesn't sleep with them?'

'Yes, I'm hundred percent sure. Why would you even think that?'

'Well, he never spends time with me anymore. Since weeks all he does is working and ignoring me. I just thought... I don't know, maybe he's bored of me or something like that.'

'Believe me, Negan sincerely cares for you,' Simon tells you while hugging you with one of his famous bone crushing hugs which always manage to make you feel a bit better.

'Trust me, Negan is just stressed. Alexandria is a real pain in the ass, no matter what we do, these bastards don't want to submit. It has nothing to do with you. But if Negan doesn't notice what he misses out than you have to make him notice.'

Like always Simon's right. If Negan doesn't give you any attention freely, you'll have to find a way to get it.

And you already have an idea.

'You know what, you're right. Would you tell my dear husband that I'm tired of waiting of him? I think I'll spend the rest of the day in bed with Richard. You know, to forget about Negan, to finally have someone to cuddle again,' you tell him in your sweetest voice.

'You sure about this? Negan will be beyond pissed,' your brother reminds you without being able to hide a little smirk.

'Like I give a fuck. He only gets what he deserves.'

-Time skip-

Negans POV:

To say Negan is livid would be the understatement of the year. How dare you do this to him? He gave you everything, he even stopped sleeping with his other wives because you told him how much it would hurt you. And what good was that? He treated you like a queen, fulfilled every of your wishes without a second thought just to see you smile and how do you thank him?

He can't believe what Simon just told him. You, in your bed with some prick. Who the hell is this Richard guy anyway? Negan knows the name of every single savoir, so it has to be one of the lower class. Are you really betraying him with some stupid... what? A Cook? Maybe one of the few Janitors?

With his dear Lucille leaning over his shoulder and Simon in tow he makes his way to your rom as fast as he possibly can. On his way ever single of his subjects fall to their knees with frighten looks, seeing Negan this upset clearly isn't something anyone wants to witness. He himself can only imagine how scary he's looking right now. He trembles with rage, his deep frown and with rage filled eyes are surely visible for everyone he crosses and subconsciously, Negan clenches his fists hard enough to turn his knuckles white.

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