"Ah, so you're bored. But who is this whole thing about?" she asked.

"... You, of course," Lute mumbled.

"Exactly. Sorry this isn't super exciting for you. If anything, once I get back on my feet, I'm outta here," she stated.

"You want to leave?" he said, getting up.

"If I remember who I am, I will. So don't get used to me. Right now, I'm just in your way," she added.

"But you're—"

"That's all for now. Get some sleep," she said. He groaned as he laid back down.

The next morning...

"School?" Lute and Sophitia cried.

"Yes. Back to school for both of you," Marina ordered. "Hurry up and get washed, breakfast will be waiting for you on the table."

"I mean I understand him, but me?" Sophitia pointed to herself. Marina giggled.

"Maybe you don't believe it, but you and Lute are the same age. It just makes sense to put you both in," Marina reasoned.

"What're you gonna ship us or something? I've got more important things to do!" Sophitia raised her voice.

"Wait, Sophitia? You're the same age as me?" Lute gasped.

"And going to school ought to refresh your memory of the way this place works. Even if it doesn't, it's a legal requirement of me as your guardian to ensure you're in education," Marina informed, ignoring Lute.

"You're my parent now?" Sophitia gasped.

"Guardian. Carer. Whichever one you like best," Marina said with a smile. "Now hurry up! Or I'll burn your pancakes."

"Burn my- I call dibs on first bath!" Sophitia squeaked and leapt away.
"Wa-wait, I gotta use the bathro- Sophitia!" Lute cried, getting barged out of the way. He lunged after her and the two began to squabble and push each other aside. Sophitia got the upper hand thanks to her feelers, and locked him out of the room. "Sophitia, I mean it! I gotta go!"

"You're a guy. Just hold it!" she called from behind the door.

"Easy for you to say," he grumbled. Marina turned and snickered to herself.

The morning would proceed to be as eventful as that from there on. Sophitia had apparently never seen a bathroom for Eeveelutions before and so took longer than necessary, stole some of Lute's breakfast, and all the while Lute took too long to reorganize his belongings and wash. Before long, the two of them were sprinting through Everend to get to school on time, all the time squealing and barking arguments at each other. Sophitia still had a half-eaten pancake sticking out of her mouth by the time they arrived, and swallowed before entering the school grounds.

The school was one of the tallest buildings in Everend, even though it was only two floors high by the looks of things. It was widely fenced in by a playground and park, and located somewhere in the middle of the town. She followed Lute, but even with that, it would take a while to remember exactly how to get there from Marina's house.

The thing that was more confusing to her was the blatant mismatch of theme. The playground and field school was mainly made up of wood; cleverly constructed apparatus built into soil and the like, exactly as she expected a children's park to look. The school building looked like something out of a sci-fi dream however, a perfectly square block made of metal and glass that was so shiny her reflection could be seen on it. It didn't even look good to her.

"Well, we're here. It's all you, Lute!" Sophitia said.

"Wait what?" he replied, as she walked around to follow from behind.

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