Chapter Seven ☾

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Bakugou did in fact come back to the Hospital Wing so he could fetch Kirishima and they could go to the great hall together. Once there, the red haired boy sat himself at the Hufflepuf table, next to his best friend Kaminari and facing Ochaco and Asui. The girls, bless these angels, did everything they were capable of to make the boys feel relaxed as they were probably nervous to go to sleep in a few hours. They feared to wake in a room lit on fire again.

The food appeared and everyone took their time to silently enjoy it. Kirishima, Kaminari and the two other Hufflepuff roommates were sent to the Headmaster as he had an urgent matter to discuss : their dormitory room. As of currently, it was being repaired by a couple of professors. Though the students were technically able to sleep in their room tonight, all responsible adults thought it safer to put them elsewhere for security precautions.

The teachers conjured in four different dormitories each a new bed which meant the roommates would be separated for the night. Kaminari wasn't very happy with the sudden change as it meant he had to sleep in a room with people he maybe never talked to before. On the contrary, Kirishima didn't really seem to mind. Yes, it was a bit unusual but it was only for a couple of days. Only long enough for the professors to put extra spells on their previous room. They had tried to find any clues the stranger might of have leaven behind but to no avail.

While Kirishima was preparing himself for bed, somewhere deep in his mind still nervous and afraid the previous night would repeat itself, he hoped that what had happened wasn't anything too concerning for the future. But his gut feeling told him that the strange man hadn't done what he did just as a sick prank. It felt more serious, somehow. He even thought about paying more attention in DADA from now on.

The days that followed were quiet, everyone was still a bit shaken up by what had happened. Some students looked jumpier than usual while others pretended it didn't bother them.

Luckily for those who practiced Quidditch, they could focus on the game that was approaching. It was one thing all houses were excited about, even if their house didn't play.

After one long week of tiring Quidditch practice, never-ending homework and an enormous amount of concentration in Aizawa's recent Tranfiguration classes, Kirishima - and the other three Hufflepuffs - finally slept in their beloved room again. So when the red head woke up at 9 AM on a beautiful Saturday morning, he felt happy enough to make his homework that he had to catch up anyway. Especially Transfiguration and Care of Magical Creatures.

He quietly put his muggle clothes on, it was a weekend day after all and the students weren't obliged to put their uniforms on, and took a few rolls of parchment, his quill and a bottle of ink. He took his schoolbag and left the Hufflepuf common room and as it was situated near the kitchen, a delicious smell wafted through the air once Kirishima stood in the hall. Seems like the house-elves were busy preparing breakfast for hundreds and hundreds of hungry children. Kirishima decided to eat breakfast before making his homework so he changed his course and instead followed the direction to the Great Hall. During the weekend, most students slept in late so you could have breakfast until latest half past ten. This meant that at 9 in the morning, the hall was only half full and much less noisy. The still- somewhat- sleepy boy looked around if anyone he knew was already awake at this hour and to his big surprise, which shouldn't be the case, he saw Ochaco already eating at the Hufflepuff table. He bid her good morning and started a pleasant conversation about the current subject they were seeing in History of Magic. He asked her if she was going to the library afterwards but Uraraka replied she already promised to help Asui with her Ancient Runes homework. So instead of being accompanied by the kind girl with the soft face, Kirishima continued his way to the library alone.

Once there, he hesitated about what to do first. The spell he learned in Transfiguration was better practiced with someone else so the other person could see the tiniest bit of differences if there were any. With that decided, Kirishima roamed over the different books on every shelf to find something that could help him with his assignment about Erklings. After searching for almost ten whole minutes, the (stupid) Hufflepuf remembered he had a handy-dandy book called 'Fantastic beasts and where to find them'. Unfortunately there wasn't a lot of information about them and he did have to write at least half a page :

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