Chapter 6: Part 1 of this carriage ride

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Yeah so I missed yesterday but fuck it I can have a lazy day. I am changing the upload schedule to 1 every 2 days. Anyway if you see this symbol: ' if theres one of it at the start and end of 1 to 3 words it's a skill being activated discounting The World abilities, and if it's at the start and end of a phrase then it's a thought. I can't think of a general premise so just enjoy the fucking chapter.

Liam: Unngh where am I? I say while rubbing sleep out of my eyes.

Kazuma: We're on the carriage bound for Axis. We had to have Darkness knock you out so that we could bring you.

Liam: Oh yeah. 'Fuck what is she made of?!'

Darkness: Aren't you going to react in an angry matter! She said, what was she expecting?

Liam: Nah, if they try some weird shit I can just pick em up and throw em away.

Kazuma: Anyway, judging from last time, we're gonna need your help.

Liam: Why? What happened last time?

Kazuma: Well first we attracted a huge group monsters because of how hard she is.



(In background) Darkness: It was my armour!

Liam: Oh...Wait that's possible?

(In background) Darkness: You're believing him!

Kazuma: Uh-huh, then in the middle of the night, Aqua's holy aura attracted undead. Fortunately she's not here so we don't have to worry about that.

Liam: But The World isn't exactly the best against groups.

Megumin: Whats-

Liam and Kazuma: Secret

Kazuma: I know it isn't but it can help.

Liam: Dude have you seen my stats?!
If I go up against an enemy I have a weakness too I'll die. Maybe if I could use his checkmate move I'd be fine but I can't.

Kazuma: I could teach you 'bow' and 'snipe'.

Liam: What are they?

Kazuma: Well bow summons a bow and snipe is a skill that bases it's damage off your dexterity and your accuracy off your luck.

Liam: They're fucking perfect.

Kazuma: Alright lemme show you them. 'Bow.' 'He summons a bow' 'Snipe.' 'He says aiming at the end of the carriage.'


Liam: Fuck was that.

Kazuma: That's the noise your card makes when there's a new skill you can learn.

Liam: Let's see. 'Light Of Saber=30,bow=5 and snipe=10.'

I spend 15 of my 16 available points on the two skills.

Liam: Wait, do I have unlimited arrows?

Kazuma: Yep.

Liam: Fuck yeah.

Suddenly the ground starts shaking.

Darkness: Kazuma, it's the monsters from before, they're heading for me again. She said, squealing in excitement.

Kazuma: 'Foresight'.


Liam: Welp, guess it's time to see how good my new reference is.


Kazuma: Yep they're the same as before.

Fuck I wish I had foresight.

Kazuma: Everyone get ready they're coming in fast. Drivers' change positions for the cave, we can lure them in then have our arch-wizard blow them up!

That's a good plan, wouldn't have thought Kazuma to be the smart type.

Liam: Darkness where the fuck are you going?!

Darkness was currently running towards the monsters!

Kazuma: 'Bind'.

*Beep*. That's getting incredibly annoy- wait when did Darkness get stuck in rope.

Kazuma: Liam use The World to attach the rope to the carriage!

Liam: Got it!

We all get on the carriage, except for Darkness of course and me and Kazuma can only watch in disgust as Darkness seems to be loving the situation an-

Liam: Dude theres a white liquid coming down her leg, you don't think she actually-

Kazuma: I completely think she did.

Liam: me too.


I used Time Stop to move the bounded up Darkness onto the carriage and used my last three seconds to set up 3 arrows right in front of 3 unknowing Hawk-striches. Liam: Bye bye.
The three of them die a millisecond after time starts again.

Liam: This is gonns be easy!

Kazuma: Be wary about your mana, creating arrows depletes your mana.

Liam: Don't worry I know, I'm not that stupid.

Time Stop.
Time starts again.

This went on for several minutes.

So there 6th chapter fucking done. Sorry again about missing the schedule but you don't have to worry I ain't dtopping this till I've finished it. Anyway thanks for reading see you next part.

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