As the doors pinged open, I emerged onto the shiny efficient third floor. There was another welcome desk, this time operated by a male cynocephaly downing a mug of tea. A creature after my own cold heart. The cynocephaly spluttered as it saw me approach the desk. "Draper's office?"

The beast frantically pointed at a set of doors as it coughed.

"Thanks." I strutted over and pushed the door aside. The office was empty. No matter, Draper was bound to be back soon. I'd caught a glimpse of him scrambling around behind the glass window at the welcome desk. I settled in to the large office chair behind the desk that proudly displayed Draper's name, plucking one of his books from a shelf as I did. That'll show him who's in charge. By now, the cynocephaly would have informed him I was here.

A few moments later, my ears detected the hurried squeaking of shoes heading towards the door. The door flew open as an out of breath man in a navy suit stood there gaping at me. "You keep interesting reading material Draper. This book is a history of Royals and their Courts and look," I held the open book up to him, the page showing an image of me and my information, clearly bookmarked, "I'm flattered."

"What are you doing here?" Draper gritted out.

"I'm so glad you asked." I closed the book, putting it down on the desk and crossing my legs. "Voyage Cards. You have them and I require one, which unfortunately means I am here and having to endure the necessity of speaking to you."

"You think I'm just going to hand over a Voyage Card?"

"Of course not. I assume I'd have to sign some paperwork first?"

Draper spluttered indignantly. "No it does not mean you have to sign some paperwork first. You know why? Because voyage cards are not for public access."

I smirked, crossing my legs on top of his desk as I did. If he thought he'd wound me with that little "public" statement, he needed to do some work placement at a Court.

"I understand that Draper. But, according to Bureau policy, which I checked before I came a member of the public has the right to request a voyage card if they believe someone to be in immediate danger and they have the appropriate skills necessary to solve that potential danger. However, there is a separate clause under this bit of policy that states if a Royal requests a voyage card, they do not need to undergo the usual public assessment and can be issued one immediately."

His gritted teeth and clenched fist as I reeled off his own company's policy were incredibly amusing. "So Draper, if you could run along and get me that card, some of us have real work to do." Apparently my goading was working, because Draper exploded.

 "Real Work?! Real Work?! I don't know what you think it is we do all day your highness but we make a god damned difference to the community. We protect the common man, beast and creature! We've solved disappearances, murders, broken apart massive criminal underworld circuits and much more! You Royals are only interested in protecting your own skins! You only care when these things are happening to your own courts! Well guess what princess these things happen all the time, to everyone not just you people who think they're better than everybody else." The Investigator took heaving breaths as he finished screaming. Calmly I pulled my legs off his desk and stood up. I took a few careful steps, coming to a stop in front of him.

"First off Draper, it's Queen not Princess. You'd know the difference is not just in title if you spent more time in the world than behind this desk. Secondly, since I moved to Dragon District, with the permission of the dragons might I add, it seems you've been last on scene whereas I've already solved the case. We protect our Courts first because they are our world and have a whole community within them and if we are protecting our Courts, it is usually from much fiercer adversaries than Business Gremlins and other second rate criminal masterminds. You think you know how we work? You know nothing." Narrowing my eyes, I let darkness creep across the room, shadows blocking out all light. Draper flicked his gaze around cautious. Letting more of my power loose, I let a large inky black mass rise behind me. It stretched out huge dripping wings either side of me and raised its huge head above mine, opening its beak wide. For the first time since our acquaintance, a glimmer of fear entered Draper's eyes. Good. He should be afraid.

He swallowed, gaze fixed on the crow I'd created. "I'll get you that card but after, don't darken my office with your presence again."

I nodded, flicking my stained fingers and dissolving the shadows so that light was once again present in the room. He stayed observing for a moment, before leaving and closing the door quietly behind him. A grin spread across my crimson lips. I win again.


My boots echoed down the street as I made sure the voyage card was secure in my bag. Draper had (begrudgingly) given it me in an envelope, but the cards themselves were fragile. That's what you get for converting iridescent, insubstantial portal shimmers into solid matter I suppose.

I headed towards the prominent Harbinger Café, my lips quirking slightly at the ironic name. There was still plenty of time till moonrise and the best way to spend it was strategizing with a large cup of the Harbinger's honeyed tea.  

The Jester Queen won't know what hit her. 

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