Fear of the Crow

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If you want to control someone, all you have to do is make them feel afraid – Paulo Coelho

Hinny received a rather nasty surprised as I barged into her shop. "What in blaze's name...?"

Quick as a raven's talons I reached out and grabbed the goblin's arm. "I need you to expedite my order."

Her big rounded eyes, magnified by her glasses, blinked once. "Aye, Corvus Queen, tis already being expedited, Hinny promises." Hinny uttered carefully, as though trying to appease a wild animal.

I tightened my grip. "When I say expedite I mean I need it by tonight. Do you understand?"

Hinny spluttered incredulous "But, but the material, the crafting, I cans not get it done so fast..."

Hoisting the goblin up with one hand, I hovered the fingertips of the other near her green patchy face. "Lives are on the line and if my scythe is not done by dusk, yours will be one of them." I let inky tendrils of power spill from my fingertips, letting them float around Hinny's head. "Now I don't believe in idle threats, I always think if you say it, you need to be prepared to do it. And I personally will have no problem eradicating you and your shop off the streets of Dragon District if a useable scythe is not ready for me." I pushed a little more power out, letting my hand pulse and glow with shadowy light. The goblin had been surprising calm throughout my intimidation, but swallowed audibly as the magic became thicker. "Now, now no needs to be hasty. Hinny has the best help money can buy, yes she does. Order will be ready for dusk, Hinny promises."

I released my grip and let Hinny drop to the floor. "Good. I'll see you at moonrise." I left the goblin vigorously rubbing her arm as I stalked out of the establishment.

A light breeze ruffled my hair as I continued down the alleyway. With Kaireclya's involvement confirmed beyond suspicion, I had to be prepared. She almost certainly had a linginite weapon and I wasn't going to face her without my own. That would at least put us on a more even footing, rather than her having the advantage. But time was also of the essence, I needed to face her today, before she could kill again. Which also meant I needed to secure quick passage to Asylum Towers. A voyage card would suit my needs perfectly. Unfortunately, there was only one place that had what I needed and it was not going to be pretty.


I sighed as I stared up at the Bureau building. Desperate times, desperate measures. We had a mutual dislike of each other, the Bureau for thinking I was impacting on their jurisdiction (though I did a better job than all their departments combined) and me for their arrogance and unending need to be correct, when they wouldn't know true strategy unless they'd worked in a Royal Court. But the Bureau was the only place in the Districts that had voyage cards and without one, I wouldn't be able to get to the Jester Queen fast enough.

Striding up the steps, I pushed open the large reinforced glass doors and casually sauntered over to the main reception. The smartly dressed pixie woman stopped typing as my shadow loomed over her. She appraised me carefully. "How can I help you today?"

"Sadly, I find it a requirement to talk to Draper. Can you tell me where he is?"

"His department is on the third floor, Investigations Unit. There's stairs or an elevator just past the desk here. Would you like me to ring up and let him know of your arrival?"

I bared my teeth in a smile. "That won't be necessary thank you, I'm sure I'll find him just fine."

Some confusion settled in the pixie's eyes, but nonetheless she gestured behind her towards where I needed to go. I nodded at her and made my way over to the elevator. Usually, I'd prefer the stairs but time was running short. Ridiculous music filled the air as I pressed the "3" button, correcting my assumption that awkward elevator sequences were simply myth.

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