Stardust Crusaders: SHUT UP YOU BITCH!

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         I woke up in an apartment, wondering what was going on. I get out of the apartment, I hear a bunch of girls whooping. I finally realize why I'm here. I decided to walk over to the high schoolers. "What's going on?" I said, humming. "You're new...are you American?" One of the girls ask me in Japanese. "Yes I am, well technically I'm Korean." They stared at me in shock. "I think I like her!!" One of the girls said. The others joined in. "Hey can you do Impressions??" I looked shocked, "Yes I can why do you ask?" They smiled. "Can you give me a swoosh of a handsome male voice?!" One of them said. "Uhm sure." I cleared my throat. "I have to say, I'm simply one HELL of a butler~." The girls swoon over me. "W-Whats your name~?" I sighed. "[Y/N] Joestar." I look over at Jotaro and he glares. "Kujo you" Jotaro cuts me off. "FUCK OFF BITCH!" I back up in awe. "Talking to your great cousin like that?! I don't think Jonathan or Joseph will approve." He walks over to me and grabs me by the collar. "I said fuck off." I sighed. "Can't wait to see you out of J-A-I-L Kujo.." I said laughing. A white arm and a blue arm appear behind me, hitting Jotaro in the head.

☆~~~~~~~~• . . . • ~~~~~~~☆

I knocked on the Kujo's residence house, hoping for an answer. Jotaro answers the door, seeing me, he slams the door in fluster. "Jotaro! Who's that?" An old voice said. "If it was a female, I would be dis- IS HE BLUSHING?!" An old Italian voice said. "Hohoho! Let me answer the door." The old man shoves Jotaro out the way opening the door for me. "Caesar, Joseph!!! It's been years!!" I said, sobbing. Caesar and Joseph tear up. I run over to them to hug. Jotaro looks in disgust. "Daddy who is this?" A woman said. "This is your Aunt!" The woman looks at me and squeals. "Another Joestar!!! Oh I can't- how old are you?!" I smile. "19 ma'am." I said in a gentle voice. She slightly blushes. "I-I'm Holly!!! But call me Seiko!" I looked at her. "I think Holly is better for me." I said, holding her hands. She squeals and hugs me. I look over, feeling a man touch my shoulder. "Hello Miss Joestar!" I look up seeing Abdul. "Hello Abdul~San." He looks at me in shock. " surprised me there!" He sits me down in a chair next to him. "Do you have a stand??" I shook my head. "I don't know if I do." Abdul got up STANDing proudly. He summons his fiery stand. "Ah! I know all of your stands." I said abruptly. He jumps back. "You can see it?!" I nodded. "That means I have one!!" I jumped up, excited. "BLUE EXPERIENCE OVER HEAVEN!!" I said abruptly. He looks at me in confusion. Sooner or quicker, white smoke surrounds us with golden sand flying around. A stand with The Worlds body, T'Darby's younger brothers stand legs and Purple Haze's head. The stand twitches, looking at the crowd. I look over in amazement. "That is- powerful..." Jotato says, approaching me from behind. I turned quickly and falls backwards into the chair. "Er- Sorry-I MEAN UHM-" I looked at him and Holley laughs. "I think JoJo likes you~!!" I softly blush like a SPLASH of EMERALDS.


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