Battle Tendency: Tequila Tequila!

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"If you don't put it on...I'LL DO THE UNTHINKABLE..." I backed up into a rock. "J-Joseph calm down....I'll wear it!" Joseph pulled my shirt off and I completely freaked. "JOSEPH!!!" Joseph held me down. "I'll put it on you myself!" He'd slip his hands down to my pants and rips them off. I squirmed in embarrassment to get away. "J-Joseph...look at what you're doing..." Joseph checked me down and realized he stripped me. "So...?" Joseph looked at me and smirked. I shook my head in disbelief. Huhuhu~ he bent down and kissed my stomach. I held in my squeak. "Get off please....." Joseph looked at my face and got off. "Thank you."

                               . . .
I got on the back of Joseph's motor bike, holding on to him as he drove crazily. "There it is!" I said pointing at the place. "I see!" Joseph said smiling. We got off the bikes and I slipped. "Gotcha!" Joseph said catching me. I looked up and kissed his cheek. "Ok please put me down now." Joseph's face was hot so, he slowly puts me down. I walked over to the guards with a tequila bottle. [Y/N]- okay just like Joseph said, seductive is the key. "Hey boys, I brought tequila. Can you let me pass~?" I put my hand on my hip. "Not till we check you girly!" One of the guards touches my ass. I swung around. "Not till you let my sister pass as well~!" I pointed at Joseph. The men stared and laughed. "THATS A GUY!!!" I slipped my dress up slowly revealing my leg. The guards attention goes to mine and they hoot and whistle. "Oho~?" I slowly pulled a gun from my skirt and pointed it at them. "Guns down now." I walked over to them. "Aw- you stole my shine kitten!" I turned and shot Joseph's tequila bottle. "Don't call me kitten." I said. "Sheesh! Alright!!" Joseph rubbed the back of his neck. "Can we go in now?" I shrugged. "Yeah."

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