Phantom Blood: William Zepelli?

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Jonathan,Erina,Speedwagon, and I walk down a road from the hospital area. "Hey Speedwagon.." Jonathan slips past Erina and pulls Speedwagon into a lock. "I want to ask you..." A man appears behind me and checks me. "Hmmm yes. You seem pretty strong for you are a female." The man said in a very Italian accent. I flinch and turn around, seeing....WILLY!!! I was shocked and stood there. Erina ran over to Jonathan while Speedwagon ran to me. "Who are you?!" Jonathan declared. "For you do not need to know who I am but now that I'm here I will tell you." William walked over to me and punched me in the lungs with his pinky. "AGH!" I grunt in pain, my broken leg healed and I laid there, grunting in pain. "What did you do to her!!" Jonathan ran at him but he voided, doing the same to him. "My arm-" Jonathan gets back up and lifts up a rock. I get up and tosses down my crutches. "I can walk!" William eyed us. "Hmm're a hamon user." William takes his hat off and curtseys in front of us. "William Anthonio Zeppeli at your service." Jonathan and I watch him walk over to the pond. "Watch and learn." He jumps in the water gracefully. I eyed him cautiously, wondering if he's gonna hurt the frog. Inhales deeply. "Hup!" William appears to be floating on the water. "Concentrate on breathing alright you two?" We nod in confusion and watch. "Overdrive!!" William punches the rock with the frog on it. The frog turns out...okay? I sigh in relief even though I've seen this scene like 12 times (truth be spoken). After talking with William and listening to his story, we began training our hamon. 2 weeks on we begin mastering it. William looked at us. "You will be fighting head on now, I will be by your side, but don't count on me helping. Tonight we're going to fight Jack the Ripper." We look at each other in shock then nodded.

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