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The first thing I have to do is give medicines to the patients;
I reach the first room, smiling at the woman who's laying on the bed, carrying a trolley with her pills.

I silently place the things on the table, pouring some water in a plastic cup and grabbing the pill box.
Suddenly, the kiss with Ben comes to my mind, making my hands tremble and giving me a weird feeling in my chest.
I gulp a few times, avoding eye contact with the woman, and as soon as I take one of the pills, I try to hand it to her, but instead I hit the cup, pouring water all over the floor.

The woman laughs a little, touching my forearm.

"You seem a little distracted, honey. Heart problems?"
I look at her in shock, my mouth slightly open.
"Wh-what..? No it's not.. I'm..." I sigh, covering my face as I blush harder and harder.
She takes the pill and I check her health to see if everything's okay.

Then I leave the room, and my boss gives me a few boxes with medicines to store; I go in the storage closet, shutting the door behind me, pressing my forehead on the wall, suddenly wanting to hit my head on it really hard.

It was just a stupid kiss, c'mon Joe! Focus!

I start to walk back and forth, muttering words under my breath and biting my lips.
As I'm storing the pills, full on freak out mode, somebody opens the door, but I don't notice it, being too busy with my emotional crisis.

I put a box on the shelf, kneeling down to store some more pills, then I feel a hand on my shoulder, and I get up so quickly that I bump my head hard in the corner of the shelf, falling on the floor in pain.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to scare you, are you okay??"


I look at her, touching my head and squeezing my eyes for the pain.

"Yeah, I'm fine... It's nothing." I get up with her help and she looks at me, with a little smirk.

"So, I heard you were talking at yourself about a kiss... who did you kiss Joey?"
She asks with a wide smile on her face.
I look away, starting to blush.

"No one, I gotta go to the bathroom, nice talk, see ya!" I run towards the door, hiding in the stalls, incapable of focusing on something else that is not Ben and his fit body.


Ben's pov

I lay on the couch, staring at the ceiling with a huge weight on my chest.

Now that I kissed him, I want to do it more and more. But maybe it's weird for him. Maybe he hates me now.

I shouldn't have done that.

I run a hand through my hair, hearing the door open and sitting up quickly.
Joe comes in with a blue expression, and when he sees me, his eyes widen.

I stare at him in confusion, feeling my heart bumping in my chest and my ears. He drops his things and sits on the couch as well, looking down, then at me.

He suddenly grabs my face, kissing me again.
After a few seconds, I close my eyes, slowly placing my hands on his hips, and pulling him closer.

The kiss is so soft that my heart aches and I'm unable to catch my breath for a moment.
I pull away, needing to breathe and he smiles sweetly, leaving the room without saying a word.

I look at him, my lips still trembling and craving for more kisses.

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