Chapter Thrity - Six : Them

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30 minutes later

I arrived at the address and it looked like an old abandoned warehouse. I waited patiently outside for X to pull up so we could get started . A few minutes later, I saw a 2010 black 7- series BMW pull into the parking lot. X stepped out the car and my body froze. I haven't seen X in 3 years . He stood at 6 foot exactly. He had on an all black adidas jump suit with all black nike harauches and a black bandana to match. As my now 17 year old brother stood in front of me my mind started to flashback to the last time i saw him.

* Flashback *

At The Juvenile Detention Center

" Jermaine ! " a voice shouted out . I turned around to see my little brother X .

In thoughts : What is he doing here ? How did he even get here ?

' Aye , whats up little bro ? what you doing here ? Mom and Dad would kill you if they knew where you were . I responded

" Nothing much. I been worried about you . Mom and dad wouldn't let me come see you so i hopped on the bus. " he replied back

' How did you even know i was here ? They never told you where i was ! ' I questioned him . My curiosity was peaked , no one ever told him where i was being held out so how did he find out.

" Well when your the brother of a murderer and the victim of kidnapping it's not that hard to get that type of information. Anyways, mom had a piece of paper posted up on the fridge it had the address of this place and the days she could come to visit you along with the times. I heard you was getting out today so i decided i would be the first person to welcome you home. " he explained

In thoughts : I never thought I would hear my little brother call me a murderer. Hearing those words come out his mouth did a number on me . I didn't want my brother to remember me as a murderer. My world came crashing down but , I didn't want to let him know that .

' How did you find out I was being released today ? ' I questioned him . This boy is way smarter than everyone makes him seem.

" Well the streets talk Jermaine and mom said she was planning on coming to pay you a visit since you were being released today. " he answered

' Oh okay, well thanks for coming to visit me little bro. On some real shit, you and mom the only one's who bothered to reach out to me . Dad completely disowned me and you know I ain't have friends foreal so this means a lot . ' I explained to him

In thoughts : I'm never the sentimental type but i can always open myself up to my brother without being judged or discriminated against . I love him for that

" Yeah I know J , I don't know what gotten into him . Mom is always trying to get him to come visit you . Ever since that day , everything has chnaged J . I mean whenever mom mentions you dad's whole mood changes and mom still has night terrors sometimes . I can hear her screaming and crying at night . I just wish I could help her J . I mean i feel useless. " he explained to me before a tear made it's way down his cheek

In thoughts: I hate seeing my little brother like this. I never seen him this broken before, he blames himself for something he can't control . Just like I blamed myself for what happened to my mom and brother . I can't stand to see him like this and i won't stand for it anymore. This is the last time .

' Aye X, look at me . I promise you that everything will get better alright? Don't worry about me i am going to be good you just make sure you get your education and you take care of mom alright. I got a plan , It's not fully together yet . It might take me some time but when the time comes I am going to need your help . I'm not going to lie to you it is going to require a clear mind and It will deal with getting revenge . ' I explained to him. I needed his help , I mean I was doing it for him and mom .

" I - I don't know J , I mean you know me . You know I'm not that type of person. I mean your asking me to help you get revenge on somebody and when it comes to you that could mean anything. " he replied .

' Look X this plan im plotting , It's for you . For you and mom. I know it's been harder with me gone and I know that this is asking a lot of you but please do me this favor little bro. ' I pleaded with him

" A-Alright, okay im in . Just hit me up when it's all good . " he replied

We went in for a hug and I never felt so calm in the last 3 years. I felt like i was at peace until, i felt myself being pushed back . I looked up to see Jacob ( my dad ) in front of me . He was screaming in my face and I saw X running towards to me but being stopped in his tracks by Jacob. He grabbed X by his arm and began to drag him away.

" Stay away from him. Your a fucking disgrace . I can't believe you made him come here. Stay away from him and stay the fuck away from us " he spat in my face.

X had tears streaming down his face and my mom had this hard depressed expression on her face before she looked at me making her way towards me .

" Jermaine my baby, I missed you so much my love. How have you been ? " she spoke to me

' I've been good mama. I just missed you and X is all. ' I replied

" I know my love, and it will get better I promise. we just have to give it time okay ? I will come back to you okay " she spoke out before giving me a kiss on my head and a long hug .

Then they just disappeared. I broke down , I can't even see my mom or my little brother and the one day I do they are being taken away from me . I made a promise to X and I will keep it.

* Flashback Ends *

" Jermaine ? " X questioned me .

' Hey . what's up little bro ? ' I questioned back before running up to him and pulling him into the biggest brotherly embrace. I felt my eyes beginning to sting with tears , I couldn't let them fall. I didn't want to let them fall . I held back for as long as I could before I felt all of my tears fall and i gripped on to him for dear life. I could hear sobs coming from X's mouth and my shirt jacket being soaked in his tears.

5 minutes later

After crying like babies for five minutes we finally pulled back. I started to wipe the tears off of my face as he did the same .

" Alright enough of this crying shit . You ready to do this ? " he questioned me

' Hell yeah im ready. Are you ready ? ' I replied

" Hell yeah I'm ready. Been waiting for this for 3 years . " he responded

' Shit I been waiting for 5 years but enough talking . Let's go . I stated

I grabbed my duffel bag out of the car and we made our way to the abandoned building. My heart beat began to accelerate and my blood was boiling . I have been waiting for this moment for five years and it's finally here. We walked into the abandoned building and my mind be gan getting attacked with flashbacks of my mom and X being kidnapped. The building was abandoned The floors were wooden and covered in dirt and dust. The walls were made of brick and the paint was starting to peel . The ceiling looked to be leaking water and it reaked of carcuses and mildew . The floor creaked as you walked on it no matter how soft or slow your movements were. There were five rooms on the first floor and a basement . We walked around the first floor looking for any distinguishing movements or sounds. We made it to the last room when we heard a voice from the other side of the door. I turned the door knob and opened the door to see... HIM.

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