Chapter Fifteen: Meet the Niabas

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In the hotel room

" Babe should we call Liyah, you know just to make sure that our baby is okay ?! " Lyana ( Aaliyahs mom) asked Nando ( Aaliyah's Dad )

' No baby , she is fine ! Quit your worrying she is good ! ' he replied

" I know but I just want to check on her ... we told her that we would check up on her anyway and I can worry about her " she responded , rolling her eyes

' Who you rolling your damn eyes at ?! " he questioned her  "She could be sleep or out with Mia . Don't interrupt her fun with your worrying . Text her if you want to check up on her " he added

" You... who else !! And alright I guess you right " she responded, getting loud. 

He got up and started walking towards her with this dark lustful expression on his face ... she got up and ran , gotta blast ! she pulled out her phone and texted Aaliyah to see if she was okay 

New Message: My whole heart

Her : hey baby , how are you ? Just checking in like i said I would

My whole heart : hey mama , I am doing good . How are you and daddy doing ? Y'all made it there safe ?

Her : yeah, me and your big headed father made it safely we at the hotel right now . Your grandma got too many people at the damn house so we staying in a hotel

My whole heart : same ole grandma. She never changes, that's good . I miss y'all .

Her : aww mija, we miss you too . We'll be back before you know it . We going to see your big headed brothers tomorrow too. Anyways wyd ?

My whole heart : awe I'll FaceTime y'all tomorrow so I can say wassup to everyone . But I'm on my way home just came from the club with a friend.

Her : a friend? It ain't Mia? Hmmm...who your friend?

My whole heart : nope . Someone I met from school. I'll explain when y'all get home .

Her : alright I'm going to sleep. me and your father love you very much ...  we'll talk to you in the morning. Goodnight baby , get some sleep and sweet dreams muah... and be careful !

My whole heart : alright . I love y'all too and I will you do the same mommy . Muah. I am always careful mama come on now !

She grabbed her phone and put it on the charger before laying down in bed 

' Did you text her ? ' Nando questioned her 

"Yes I did , she was on her way back home from a club with a friend! " she responded

' A friend ? What friend! ' Nando curiosity suddenly peaked

" I dont know but , she's going to tell us about It. when we get back home " she responded, I just worry about her you know

Aaliyah has a past on her ... she has always had a guard up on her . She don't trust many and she Went to juvie when she was 15 . I'm not going to tell all her business it's her story to tell ... but she doesn't have many friends except Mia . Actually Mia is her only friend! Aaliyah is very sweet and has a big heart but once you cross her there is no going back... no hitting rewind ... she loves hard but sometimes too hard . She can whoop ass too . I taught my daughter well.  I just want her to be careful is all . We had Aaliyah when I was 24 and Nando was 22  she is our most prized possession besides our two sons and we will go to war ... even hell and back for all three . We don't play about ours . They mean too damn much to us. 

' Oh yeah most definitely, I'll go to war for my baby too . No lie . My wife is the world and more to me . I met her when I was just a lil youngin in high school.  I saw her one day when I was walking to Wendy with my brother kel... we was in line and I had saw this fine ass angel... I thought to myself god took his time with this one. Anyways,  I went up to her and was like 'Aye lil mama let me get your number ' and she fell head over heels so she couldn't help but to say yes —

" Oh hell no , Nando . You know damn well that ain't what happened ! " she said interrupting him 

' Alright , Alright that ain't what happened really . But , I did get her number and we ended up talking for a couple weeks and I took her out on our first date and everything came together after that day ... we had been together for four years when we decided to try for another baby we did and came out with our beautiful Babygirl and we could not be any happier than what we were . Aaliyah is the youngest out of the three we have. My baby baby ! ' he explained

" We love Aaliyah so much that no one could understand this love that we have for her. We give her freedom but we ain't the type of parents who don't set boundaries for her. We will whoop Aaliyah ass into a new decade ... we always discipline her when it's needed and we always keep her in check but sometimes we allow her to have her fun . She gets outstanding grades ... she obeys with whatever we tell her . I mean she is the closest you could get to a perfect child but she has her flaws as well . But , we accept her and every single flaw it's what makes her who she is... If you do not let your children make mistakes they will never really learn " they both explained

Her past did a real number on her and when the time comes we will let her explain it . We won't tell what she doesn't want told but we need people to know that as strong as she is and may seem . She is also broken and needs fixing . Which is why we always worry about her and try to make sure we are constantly keeping her close at all time . But the birds have to leave the nest sooner or later . I don't know how I'm going to survive when my baby leave this damn nest ! 

' Well we will get through that together. Now come over here so I can give you some of this famous loving maybe even a quick shower you know how you like it nice and sl- ' she interrupted him again

" Boy if you don't calm down , can't be doing all that giving out too much info" she told him after hitting him in the chest 

' Alright fine . Get your sexy milk chocolate body over here cut out that damn light and let's get rest we got a day ahead of us tomorrow ' he instructed her 

"Yes we do , don't we ?" "Alright , goodnight babe I love you forever and alway " she told him... before turning out the light. 

'Always and forever babe ' he responded

They got comfortable before finally drifiting away into a peaceful sleep. 

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