💫~Frieza's Invited?

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*Art by bluejetty on twitter*

The emperor awoke to the shifting of his door, letting the cooler air swoosh it's way inside. The yellow alien swiftly floated into the room, only to hear Frieza let out a groan, muffled by his pillow.

"M'lord, I sincerely apologize for barging in on your off-day, but...This letter appeared upon your door a little while ago. We're not sure as to where it came from...But, I feel like you should read it for yourself..." Kikono carefully placed the letter onto the bedside, glancing upon the resting tyrant, who had his face buried in the velvety pillows. The yellow subordinate slowly floated out of the room after saying goodbye. Shutting the metal door on his way out. Frieza let out yet another, frustrated groan. He had been planning on sleeping in for a little while longer, but once he was awake, there was no way he could fall asleep again. Frieza grabbed the letter, slightly crumbling the papers. He pulled out the paper from the already torn, orange envelope, tossing it somewhere beside him on the floor. The tyrant then carefully unfolded the paper, his eyes growing wide as he read the content. 

The icejin wanted to laugh at the Saiyan's invitation, but he held it in

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The icejin wanted to laugh at the Saiyan's invitation, but he held it in. Letting his disgust get the best of him as he noticed the brown stain on the letter.

Crumbled paper...odd stains...so immature... Frieza though, finally letting out a chuckle. Ah yes! Of course the emperor would join the fun! Everyone would be at such a vulnerable state, letting the tyrant eliminate his enemies easily. Especially...Goku. That name alone made the icejin's blood boil. His eyes filling with thirst for revenge. He threw the letter onto the ground as he hopped off his bedside. Letting the smooth blanket tickle his thighs.

The tyrant let out yet another chuckle as he head for his shower. He realized the letter hadn't told him when the celebration was taking place, and the thought of his enemy to randomly appear aboard this ship, at absolutely any time, sent shivers down his small, pale spine. Frieza turned on the ruby-like faucet and the water run for a bit before he closed the drain. Taking a bath would really take his mind off of work, and all his thoughts about the Saiyan. The crystal clear water had almost filled the rather large bath when the emperor turned it off. He slowly slid into the water, letting out an "Ah"once his body came  in contact. His tail laid beside him, half of it hanging out limply over the edge of the bath. Frieza shut his eyes, the urge to open them was gone. He thought the Saiyan would just appear staring down at him, babbling something about the party. The tyrant slowly lifted his heavy eyelids, relieved. No sign of Goku, he even looked around just to make sure. The icejin enjoyed the bath for a couple more seconds, that is, before he heard a thump coming from his room. With a whine, Frieza got out, not bothering to wipe himself dry. He creeped to the doorway of the bathroom and glanced into his room. Nothing. There's nothing. What was that thump?

Frieza yelped as he felt someone's hands on his back.

"Yo!" The saiyan exclaimed, before giggling. The tyrant turned around, his eye twitching. This is exactly why he despises that monkey. Annoying, immature, just plain terrible. Frieza raised a finger, pointing it at the cackling saiyan, causing him to stop.

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