Down Come the Rain

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,,,I started writing this like literally six months ago and then just. kept getting stuck. RIP my sanity.

But here we go! some soft angsty Klance because I love them!!

I have NEVER written any Voltron stuff,, what is wrong with me

This is set before the last episode of s3, by the way. So everything else of s3 has happened except the final explanation episode of 'yo this is why everything's so fucked rn'


Lance was missing again.

He'd been doing this a lot in the few weeks that Shiro had been back, vanishing off to some unknown part of the Castle for reasons only he understood.

It was very unlike him. He always seemed happiest and most lively when he was around other people, and didn't act like he particularly enjoyed being alone.

So then, what was going on that made him want to spend hours on his own?

As he wandered the neverending halls of the castle, Keith told himself he was concerned only with the possibility that whatever was up with Lance could end up affecting the whole team. It wasn't about how much more himself Lance looked when he smiled, and it wasn't about the heavy, twisting feeling Keith's heart had experienced when Lance had opened up to him about his place in the team.

No. It was about the good of Voltron, and that was it.

Keith had already searched everywhere he could think of. None of the others seemed to have a clue where Lance went, either. Allura didn't know. Coran didn't know. Pidge had been busy when Keith asked, and may just not have cared when she said she didn't know. Shiro didn't know...though that may not have been because of Lance's hiding skills. And when Keith had been desperate enough to even ask the mice, all he'd gotten were a barrage of squeaks in an unsettlingly suggestive tone.

Luckily, Hunk had at least been able to point him in a possible right direction.

"I'm not 100% sure...but he might be down in one of the hangars." The Yellow Paladin had suggested. Keith had frowned.

"I already looked in the Red Lion's hangar."

Hunk had glanced around, as though making sure he wasn't overheard. "Well, then he might be in the Blue Lion's. He took it pretty hard when he had to give up Blue to Allura, though he did a good job of hiding it. Try there."

So now Keith was on his way to the Blue Lion's hangar. He didn't know why, exactly, Lance would be in there, but he trusted Hunk when he said it was worth a shot.

The Castle was far too large, and far too quiet. Sure, the Paladins seemed to manage to make a lot of noise from whatever section of it they were in, but on the whole, the spacecraft could be eerily noiseless. Keith sometimes felt like he was in some kind of strange, uncanny maze, his shoes the only nearby sound as they tapped loudly on the floor.

The door to the Blue Lion's hangar slid open before him, and, sure enough, there was Lance.

The beautiful mechanical beast had its translucent forcefield up, sitting proudly inside it like a real Earthen lion, albeit an unnaturally cobalt one. And Lance was sitting in front of it with his legs crossed, elbows resting on knees, and chin supported by his hands.

He turned quickly as Keith walked inside, looking briefly panicked before he realized who it was.

"Oh, Keith. I...thought you were Allura, or someone."

His voice lacked the usual upbeat timbre that Keith had grown used to hearing from him. It instead held a strange weight, a little huskier and scratchier than normal.

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