Isabella Maven

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Isabella Maven is Raini's new best-friend from camp. Isabella is 15 years old. She has not stated anything about her mom or past life. She does however seem to look up to Connor and Travis, her older half brothers. When Raini arrives at camp, Isabella became her bunk mate. They quickly became friends, and Isabella helped Raini find her short sword. Isabella, Raini, Connor, and Travis play a prank on the Aphrodite cabin together, after Raini arrives. Isabella is not part of the new quest with the seven and Raini. She doesn't know them very well, and her only connection is Raini.

Isabella seems to only have been at camp a month or so, long enough to adjust to the crazy reality.

Appearance: Isabella prefers flannel shirts or tank tops with jean shorts. She wears her hair down or in a loose ponytail. She has red hair and green eyes with a light splash of freckles across nose and forehead.

Personality: Isabella is a lot like Raini when it comes to be coming happy and peppy. However she doesn't have the intense change in mood. She tends to stay light and always look on the bright side. It takes a lot to bring her down and she is very encoding when it comes to new people. She always thinks the best if people and is a firm believer in second chances.

Powers/Demigod Abilities:



Picking locks


Good liar

Biggest Fear: unknown

Fatal Flaw: unknown

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