Chapter 7

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Later that evening Frida heard a soft knock at the door.

"Who is it?" She asked.

"Mrs. Chiquita dear." A sweet voice said. "May I please come in?"

Frida went to the door and opened it, she didn't see anyone there which made her very confused that is until she looked down to see a tea pot, tea cup, sugar jar, and creamer moving on it's own.

"I thought you might like a cup of tea." The teapot spoke.

"But you're...You're a...A." She backed up against a wardrobe.

"Careful." The wardrobe said.

"Whoa! You're.. ."

"Mrs. Chiquita." The tea pot introduced. "And that would be Rosa."

"How...How are you talking to me?"

"With our mouths." Rosa replied.

"But this is impossible."

"Yes but here we are."

"She sure is pretty isn't she Mama?" The teacup said.

"Yes now let's get her some tea." Mrs. Chiquita poured tea into the teacup while sugar and cream were added. Then it slowly hopped over to Frida who picked him up and brought him up to drink.

"Thank you." She said.

"I'm Davi." The teacup introduced. "Wanna see me do a trick?"

He blew and the tea began to bubble.

"Davi!" Mrs. Chiquita scolded.


"We do hope you're comfortable in your room."

"It's nice." Frida admitted it.

"We all saw what you did and it was very brave of you."

"Yes but I've lost everything. I'll never see my father again and all my dreams are as good as dead."

"Cheer up child I know things look bleak but it will all turn out alright in the end, you'll see. Things are not always what they appear in this place." Mrs. Chiquita assured her. "Now if you'll excuse me I have a supper to prepare."

Then the tea set hopped out of her room. Frida remembered when she used to have tea parties with the local girls, back when she was a child and they didn't think she was weird. She could only imagine how they would've reacted if the tea pot and cups back then started moving like that.

"So what will we dress you in for dinner?" Rosa asked. "Let's see what I go in my drawers."

She opened her doors only for a bunch of moths to fly out.

"Oh how embarrassing." She blushed shutting her doors quickly. The opened them again and pulled out a pink dress with lace and ribbon. "Here we are, you'll look ravishing in this one."

"Thanks but-"

"Don't like the dress? Okay how about this one?" "A satin pale blue dress with long sleeves. "This one really brings out your eyes."

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