Heartbroken and Afraid

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  Kawaii~Chan was terrified....

 Nana had just saw Dante, her husband, standing over a townsfolk's dead body. He was standing there with a psychotic grin, seemingly contemplating what to do with the body. Yet, despite his smiling, he in no way looked genuinely happy.

  She stepped back and hit her head on a tree alerting Dante. When he heard this, his head jolted up violently as if waking from a nightmare. His eyes were shining a minty green, nothing like his normal dark blue. He located her and walk toward her with his bloodied sword raising to swing.

  She screamed in horror while hurrying to get away. Her terrified voice loudly sliced through the thin, humid air of the silent night. Dante swung his sword cutting the back her arm while she persistently struggled away. That wasn't her husband.

  She didn't look back she ran.... past the wall.... past the guards.... into the woods.

  After running for what felt like hours she grew tired and could no longer motivate her weak legs to carry her further. She fell to her knees no longer able to contain the tremors that shook violently through her exhausted body.


  Zane heard a scream, he, of all people, new this scream. The scream of pure terror. He usually doesn't care but... he... he did care this time. He felt like he needed to help them, he didn't understand why.

 Why is someone up so late? He thought to himself checking the moon once more. He grumbled as he involuntarily trudged towards the cries.

 After a minute or 10 of looking he saw a pink haired mief'wa maiden running into the field he was about to step into.

  He immediately new it was her who screamed. Her body language, tears, and terrified face helped him come to this conclusion. Not a second before he gathered the courage to help her a group of thieves stumbled out of the woods.

  Zane couldn't find it in himself to move, he was so conflicted.

  Nana didn't have a moment to breath.

"Well what do we have here, boys. A maiden, she seems like a good starter for the games. Maybe we can use her blood to decorate the walls of his arena!" The leader announced. Kawaii~Chan didn't know what to do, she was still much to tired from running.

"Victor! Keith! Get her!" As he finished she stumbled back and backwards crawled away in hopes that she could find a solution to escape. They each had smug grins on their faces as they strode towards her. Her already high pulse quickened with each step.

 "Stop right there!" A voice from behind the rogues startled her and she turned to see a man holding his black sword, the weapon gleamed demonically in the moonlight....

Zane Ro'meave.. 

Cute Emo Killer - Zana ✔️Where stories live. Discover now