Chapter 5

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Ryan's POV

I stood in the doorway of the bedroom watching Mikaela sleep.

I had a bottle of Body Armor in one hand and aspirin in the other.

I recalled the events from the previous night with a mixture of embarrassment and amusement.

This girl was something.

"Good morning sunshine." I said as she began to stir.

She groaned, opened one eye and quickly closed it from the sunlight streaming through the window.

I had practically carried her back to my house and up the stairs last night.

I had undressed her as she had fallen asleep the moment her head hit the pillow.

"What time is it?" She asked sleepily.

"It's a little after ten." I replied.

She bolted up in bed "Libby!" She  groaned, holding her head.

I handed her the Body Armor and aspirin. "She's fine I took her out, she did her business and she's got food and water. I played with her a little bit and now she's taking a nap."

"Thank you." She said, swallowed down the aspirin.

I sat down on the bed next to her. "You were something last night" I laughed.

"Please tell me I didn't do anything stupid" she groaned again.

"Well, you did confirm we were sleeping together, although Dale and Amy probably already knew that." I watched as her face turned red. "You might have mentioned something about multiple orgasms, I don't really remember" I was laughing harder now.

She laid back down, curled herself into a ball and pulled the sheet over her head. I pulled it back down.

"I'm just kidding, you didn't say that." I saw the relief wash over her face. "You did say I was the best sex you ever had though."

She pulled the sheet back over her head. "Please tell me you are kidding and I really didn't say that. I usually hold my liquor pretty well. I don't know what happened. Please tell me you are joking."

Nope you really said it." I pulled the sheet off her face again. "So, is it true?"

Mikaela's POV

I was humiliated. I meant it when I said I could usually hold my liquor.

I really hoped I didn't see Dale and Amy this weekend. There was no way I could look them in the eye.

"So is it true?" Ryan asked again.

I looked at him confused. "Is what true?"

"Am I the best sex you ever had?" He smirked at me.

"Yes." I admitted, warmth filling my face.

He laid down next to me and pulled me to his side m, trailing kisses down the side of my neck. "Is this okay?" He asked softly.

I nodded. His hand massaged my bare thigh, then my backside, then moved to my inner thigh. Soft, brushing strokes with his finger tips.

His lips were now at the hollow of my throat, as he found my sweet spot.

He pulled me against him closer, so I could feel his erection.

As he nibbled on my earlobe, he whispered in my ear "How's your head?"

"Spinning" I whispered breathlessly.

Good God, the things this man could do to me. When I first woke up, sex was the absolute last thing on my mind, but now...

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