Chapter 15: A Crazy Parent Part 01.

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Allison then waited two hours for Justin to come back, and was still unaware that the killer didn't know it was still after her. Suddenly, a truck arrived in front of Allison, which signaled her to pick up the Ax on the ground.

Finally someone came out of the truck, and that person was revealed to be a woman wearing a blue sweater, and black jeans. (Seriously, who wears a sweater in a middle of summer?) "Who are you?" Allison asked. "Why I am Mrs. Voorhees," the woman said. "I live in the house across from the camp, but you can call me Pamela. Now what seems to be the problem?" "Well, it's a long story, but I don't think you'd believe me, since we just met," Allison explained.

"Nonsense, just tell me," Pamela said. Allison then explained that her friends came to Camp Crystal Lake, and how five of them died by a machete wielding murderer, and got buried in the lake. "The only ones left were me, and my boyfriend Justin," Allison said. "He went to go get help, while I stayed here to try and stop this killer."

"Quite a story," Pamela said. "You must have been talking to that weird fisherman Ralph." "You know him?" Allison asked. "We've been acquaintances for a long time," Pamela answered. "He always gets too crazy without his morning sardines. So, why do you have two holes in your left leg?" "Well I stepped on a bear trap, and once it was removed I lost the ability to walk," Allison said. "I sure hope Justin comes back with the ambulance like he promised." "Well we can't leave you out here all night," Pamela said. "Come with me."

"I can't really go anywhere," Allison explained. "Like I said, my leg was caught in a bear trap, and I can't walk anymore." "Well, I'll just help you up then," Pamela said, and helped Allison up off of the ground. Allison held on to the Ax the entire time she was being dragged by a person she just met. The woman then brought Allison into her truck, and they drove towards her house where she lived. Pamela carried Allison inside, and then placed her on a chair near the table. "Let's see if we can find some bandages for that leg," Pamela said, and left to get the first-aid kit out of the cupboard. Allison still held on to her Ax, while she stayed seated in the kitchen, and looked around seeing that everything looked more 90's then house.

"Found the first aid kit," Pamela said, and pulled out some Neosporin, and stitch bandages. After rubbing the leg with the Neosporin, Pamela stitched the leg up, having it feel better. "Here, you'll need this in order to walk," Pamela said, handing Allison a cane. "It's what my Father used after he passed away." "Thank you, Mrs. Voorhees," Allison said. "Say, how long have you lived in this house? Some of this stuff looks pretty old." "I've lived here since 1995 of course," Pamela explained. "Time flies for people these days, and this house has always been cleaned thanks to a woman's touch from me."


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