Chapter 01: First Day At Camp.

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21 years later, some of the people in town outside of Camp Crystal Lake forgot about the murder, and decide to use it as a camp for teens instead of children to avoid death of them in the future. That day a bunch of teens got excited to go.

In one suburban house, a girl was sleeping as the sun came up. "Allison Wake Up," the parent yelled. "You're Gonna Be Late At Your First Day At Camp Crystal Lake." The girl, Allison was a 17 year old blonde girl who was about to start high school in three months. Allison got up from her bed, and placed her glasses on, and got dressed. Then once she was dressed, Allison grabbed the stuff she needed for camp.

The things Allison placed in her backpack were her bikini, a bottle of sunblock, extra clothing, a pack of matches, a sleeping bag, a pillow, and of course some beer, and heroin to help her, and her friends party. Once everything was packed, Allison got her backpack on, and headed downstairs from her room, and headed out the door.

"Okay Mom, I'm ready for camp," Allison said. "Be sure you've got everything you need, and remember to meet me at the last day of August," the mother explained. "I will Mom," Allison said, and headed out the door, and went to go ask directions at the town diner. After entering the diner, some of the folk were listening to the jukebox, while also eating breakfast. "Excuse me," Allison interrupted. "Does anyone here know how to get to Camp Crystal Lake from here?" Everyone stopped and then starred at her shockingly after what she asked.

"Aye, you're going to Camp Death, aren't you?" the fisherman wearing a hook, and raincoat asked. "Camp Death?" Allison asked. "You know," the fisherman answered. "The most dangerous camp in the world, since 1998. Camp Death has a suicide curse. Who ever sets foot in those camp grounds never comes back out alive. I've seen thousands of people die over every year I go to that camp, and each of them are much more disaster filled than the last." "Ralph, stop harming the kid with what you saw over at the camp," the diner chef said coming out. "I swear the older you get, the more nuts you are."

"Don't tease me with your mockery, Joe," Ralph said. "I know what I saw at those camping grounds. Every counselor that's ever worked there is now swimming in their own blood after they get killed, and thrown into the waters. Camp Death is a hell hole, in which you end up where the red man with horns is." "Look kid, forget about what the old man is saying," Joe explained. "If you're wanting to go to Camp Crystal Lake, just come with me, and I'll give you a lift." "They never listen," Ralph said.


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