Chapter 03: Arriving At The Camp.

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Joe drove back to where he worked, after dropping Allison off. Allison waved goodbye as a thank you for the ride, then headed on the trail to where she spotted her friends near the canoe, and raft storage.

The red headed girl with freckles noticed Allison walked up to her. "Alli, you've arrived," the girl said, and reached out to hug her. "Sorry Leanne, but I'm not a lesbian," Allison said. Leanne just smiled, and stopped hugging Allison. "Sorry, I just get so excited when my friends show up," Leanne explained. "It's basically what I've been doing to the other girls here." "What about the guys?" Allison asked.

Leanne just barfed a little after hearing that. "Oh I get it," Allison said. "That's cool, we'll just keep our interests to ourselves the entire time we're here. Anyway, where are the others?" "Well, Tasha, and Ron are checking out the cabins, Will, and Harry are getting the cooler out of the car, but I'm not sure where your boyfriend is," Leanne explained.

"Well, I'm sure Justin will turn up," Allison said. "He's such a nice guy, even with his hot muscled body. I can just imagine him coming up being me, and sneak hugging me." Suddenly Allison felt her back lean up against someone, and looked up, to see a muscled guy the same age as her with long brown hair. "Well babe, I just came to make your fantasy a reality," the boy said. Allison turned, and found the guy who she already knew.

"There you are, Justin," Allison said. "I thought you would be spending the summer alone." "Hey, if I did that, you would be bored out of your brain in this new place until school came back in session," Justin said. "Besides, I don't have anything else on my mind this summer."
"If you'll excuse me, I need to go meet up with Tasha and Ron," Leanne said, starting to walk away from the couple. "They're probably starting to look into one of the cabins right now." As Leanne left, Allison was alone with Justin. "What's got her in a sour mood?" Justin asked.

"It's just the lesbian in her," Allison answered. "She's probably half upset that she hasn't seen a single naked girl since she got here." "I guess," Justin agreed. "So what should we do after we unpack our sh*t? Good old fashion premarital sex, or drinking while getting high?" "I'm not sure yet," Allison explained. "We should probably register both of us a cabin before we do something fun like that. Plus we need to wait for Will and Harry to get the food out of the truck." "Sounds good then," Justin said. "Let's get ourselves a cabin."


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