Tape 2 - "Cyrus Borg"

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"He almost gave me the courage to leave. To stop the entire operation."

"Despite my brother complaints, I'm personally fascinated with the future and, quite frankly, fascinated by him. He was surprisingly calm when he set to work, meticulously coding and fitting pieces together. I could've sat and watched him for hours if I didn't have other... duties."

"I regret the cruelty I had to show towards him at times, but I had no choice with Krux around. I know he tried to disrupt the machine from the inside. I cursed silently every time Machia caught him."

"It was so much easier when neither was around. When Machia was out commanding the troops and Krux was out sulking that things weren't getting done quicker. I felt like an actual person again talking to him. I didn't have to worry about acting intimidating and I think he knew it was all a mask. When it was just the two of us, it was... nice."

"He was charming and smart and every moment I wanted so badly to tell him how sorry I was. I willed it in my head, pleaded with my eyes and prayed that he knew."

"I considered freeing him once or twice."

"I should've."

"But I couldn't."

"I was a coward under my brother's gaze."

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