Tape 1 - "Krux"

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"I don't know how I'm alive. Everything hurts and several things must be broken, but I'm alive."

"I don't know if I'm relieved or not. I think I'm back in what would be the present. The camp is abandoned, sealed off from the museum but I managed to find a way in."

"I don't know if I'll live. I don't have the energy to move anymore. Getting here alone was nearly blinding."

"Everything hurts. Everything. I don't know what happened to Wu. He'd been hit too hard with the reversal blade, I know that. He might've fallen out. I couldn't see."

"Krux... Krux is gone as far as I know. We fought again. I told him I knew this would happen; that we never should've gone through with this. He told me to shut up. Said this was the only way. He knew he was lying. He knew we could've stopped at any time."

"My powers are gone, perhaps for the better."


"It wasn't ever supposed to be this way."

"It started out innocent, can you believe? If we controlled time, we could prevent wars; stop awful things before they happened. We could bring back..."

"But Krux... Krux was changing. Every day he grew more bitter with the Alliance and every day I saw more of my brother fade away. I blamed Wu. I needed someone to blame."

"Maybe that's why I never did anything to stop any of this. I thought maybe if we completed the machine, maybe if we traveled back, maybe I'd recognize my brother again."

"Mother always said he was stubborn."

"But father always said I was soft."

Time Stamps - a short Acronix (Ninjago) taleحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن