Chapter 4

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No ones POV

Time skip: After school

Finally the day was over after what felt like years, bendy had gotten binders full of notes and homework that he had the whole week to do. He walked down the hallway excitedly to meet cuphead in the courtyard, after a few minutes of other kids pushing each other to get out the door he finally made it.
"Hey bendy, over here!"  Cuphead waved to him.
Bendy walked over to him and cuphead led him to his friends. A boy with a mug for a head, bright blue eyes, and a lock of blond hair covering one of his eyes, he looked very similar to cuphead maybe their related. The other was the same girl that he saw yesterday, she had hair that went down her back, glimmering black eyes, a glowing halo over her head, and two small horns poking out of her hair.
"These two are Mugs and Alice, and guys this is bendy" cuphead introduced.
"Hey" they both said in unison.
"Um hi" Bendy said nervously.
The three of them started chatting away while bendy sat on the grass quietly letting his mind wander.
"He hates you..." a voice quietly whispered.
"What?" Bendy quietly replied as he looked around for the source of the voice.
"Cmon bendy, lets go" cuphead called from a distance.
Bendy got up before looking around to see if there was someone who was talking to him but no one was even remotely near him so he just brushed it off. "My minds probably just messing with me again" . After he finally caught up with everyone bendy decided to try to make some conversation.
"So um where are we going exactly?" Bendy asked cuphead.
"Just to the park" cuphead replied.
"Oh ok..." Bendy said.
Bendy began to linger behind the three of them while they talked until the same voice before whispered again to him.
"They want to hurt you.... don't trust them..."
Now bendy was positive that someone or something was speaking to him, he turned and looked around. Like at the school no one was near him except for cuphead, mugs, and Alice but the voice didn't sound like it came from any of them. "Maybe i just need some sleep or something". Bendy shrugged it off once again and continued awkwardly following them, once they were there everyone sat by one of the many tall cherry blossom tree.
"So, heard you had a run in with Pete and his gang today. That's pretty brave of you" Alice said.
"Oh um t-thanks" Bendy quietly replied.
The four of them started talking to each other when a familiar face was seen, it was Pete and his crew again looking madder than ever. Soon they all walked up to cuphead ready to fight.
"Hey teacup! Ready to finish what we started!?" Pete yelled.
"Can we please do this later? I really don't feel kicking your ass again today" cuphead whined.
Cupheads group laughed while Pete and his friends glared at them,  bendy's small laughs quickly became loud coughing and then a searing pain shot through his chest and stomach "c-crap this can't happening, not now!". Bendy quickly put I hand over his mouth to cover up the coughs which quickly grabbed the attention of mugs who was the only one that wasn't yelling at the top of his lungs.
"Bendy are you alright?" He asked with concern.
"Y-Yeah....just g-give me...a few m-minutes" bendy said in between coughs.
Mug turned his attention back to what was happening, bendy took advantage of this time to quickly run back home or at least try to. Unfortunately he wasn't able to make all the way home so he quickly found a small and dark alley way. the pain felt like he was being burned from the inside out making the demon whimper in pain, then he started vomiting up large amounts of an ink and blood mixture. He opened his mouth to scream in pain but his throat felt like lava was inside of it, his breathing picked up very quickly as a new wave of inky vomit made its way up his throat again, tears welled up in the boys eyes as the pain grew stronger. Ink dripped down his face and made his skin burn as it touched his ghostly pale skin. after 15 minutes of unbearable pain the attack finally calmed down and soon enough it was over. Bendy shakily stood up and took a deep breath and looked down, his clothes had ink all over them and were almost ruined . He was still very weak but he had to make it home, he checked his phone it was almost 4:00. There was still enough time to get back to Henry's house before he got back, bendy wiped some tears and ink off his face and started making his way back home. He arrived at 4:33, he would've been there earlier if he actually knew where he was going. He put his uniform in the washing machine and slipped on some fresh pajamas then went into his bedroom and laid down on his bed, he always got extremely exhausted after an attack and having to walk home multiplied the feeling. Bendy curled up in his bed and sighed softly, "Boris always knew how to help me after an attack...". He felt a small tear run down his face as he thought about his younger brother and just like that he feel into a restless sleep.

To be continued...

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