A Bottle of what now?!

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You pressed you're hand in one of the most many things inside the huge black hat and dont get me wrong but it was kinda big, you're hands trailed on something like a plastic bottle so you picked it up and revealed a...


you squeeled already knowing who it was

"canada!~ lets go now shall we?" you asked he gave you a small smile "o-oh of course just a minute" he said just above a whisper but enough for you to hear, you wondered what he was doing but then you saw him leaving his pet polar bear on his place on the floor, "stay here alright? ill be gone for 7 minutes" he told the bear, the bear nodded.


"OK 7 MINUTES DUDES!" alfred yelled from outside , it was a little dark but you're hand found its way to the light switch

"ah there much better!" you chirped happily making the canadian infront of you blush at you're cuteness, "whats wrong?" you said while tilting you're head to the side, "o-oh m-maple.." he mumbled under his breath, "alriiightttt, so how are you mattie?" you asked gently wanting to create small talk "oh really good actually , but still nobody ever notices me.." he trailed off, you felt bad for the guy, he was cute and polite and well he was you're type of an ideal boy but...you were afraid of getting rejected

"aww mattie" you said hugging him behind his back on you're knees since he was on the floor sitting cross legged , he stiffened , "im here and im you're friend and ill always be here to notice you" you whispered , he blushed "t-thank you y/n..." he sighed and melted into you're embrace

"y-y/n?" he stuttered adorably "hmm?" you hummed in response "do you like anyone?| he said hesitantly , now this time it was you're turn to blush, "i..umm.actually..i..." you started fidgeting with you're fingers unsure if you should confess to him

"its alright you dont have to a-answer if you want" he said gently , you couldn't take it anymore he was just to cute! and then....

"KYAA~!!!!!!!!!!!" you squeeled which resulted with you glomping him and giving him small packs around his face , "YOU'RE SO ADORABLE~!!!" you kept squeeling like the fangirl you are, his face turned into a darker shade of red, well if that was possible!

"o-oh my.." he stuttered uncontrollably and then he took by suprise when you suddenly kissed him, he put his hands on you're waist while you intertwined you're hands on the back of his neck, he kissed you back softly as if though you were fragile which was very nice of him

jyou were enjoying every moment --------------

"*SNAP**SNAP*" you both broke apart as you two saw japan from outside the closet taking pics "DUDES BOTH OF YOU WERE IN THERE FOR ANOTHER 5 MINUTES OR SO!" prussia yelled mocking the both of you, both of you blushed furiously , stood up and went outside the closet embarassed,

but hey!, you got yourself you're first boyfriend no regrets right?


hope you like it guys ^-^ im taking requests but...not even a single comment but still really happy that i got about 46 reads on this book! YAY! omg thank you guys ouo , i know its not much but hey! its an achivement i havent  even though that people would read this story so thnx alot guys! lots of wuv


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