I could hear his heart beat increasing. Stiles noticed it as well. He was looking at the phone we used earlier.

"How about you summarize... uh, the previous night's reading? No? How about the... uh, the night before that? How about you summarize anything you've ever read, in your entire life?" Coach shouted.

I looked over Stiles' shoulder and saw that Scott's heart beat was around one-thirty-five. I sighed and sat back down, hoping that Scott would control himself. Otherwise it wouldn't end well.

"I-I, uh-" Scott muttered.

Coach got even angrier "No? A blog? How about, uh, how about the back of a cereal box? No? How about the adults only warning from your favorite website you visit every night? Anything? Thank you McCall! Thank you" Coach screamed and slammed his fist onto the table. "Thank you, McCall! Thank you for extinguishing any last flicker of hope I have for your generation!"

"Come one, Scott" I mumbled and pressed my lips together while his heart beat was still increasing.

"You just blew it for everybody. Thanks. Next practice you can start with suicide runs" Coach said.

Suddenly, Scott's heart beat dropped. I looked over to him and saw Allison holding his hand.

"Unless that's too much reading. All right. Everybody else, settle down." Coach calmed down.

Allison did not make him weak. She made him human. She kept him from turning into a werewolf. Allison was his anchor without him knowing it. That's why he wasn't turning at the last lacrosse game.

"It's her, Scott!" I said as we walked through the hallways. "What do you mean?" he asked.

"It's Allison. Remember what you told me about the night of the full moon? You were thinking about her, right? About protecting her" Stiles blurted.

"Okay" Scott mumbled.

"Okay, Scott. Remember the night of the first lacrosse game? You mentioned that you could hear her voice out on the field" I added

"Yes, I did" he answered.

"Well, so that's what brought you back so you could score. And then after the game in the locker room, you didn't kill her. At least not like you were trying to kill us. She brings you back. That's what we're saying" Stiles explained.

"No, no, no but it's not always true, because literally every time I'm kissing her or... or touching her-"

"No, that's not the same" Stiles interrupted, "When you're doing that, you're just another hormonal teenager thinking about sex, you know?"

"Oh my god. You're thinking about sex right now, aren't you?" I groaned as I saw Scott's face lit up.

"Yeah, sorry" he excused.

"That's fine" Stiles said.

„No, it's not" I interrupted. "Why shouldn't it be okay, Amber?" Stiles asked.

"Because I am a part of this conversation and I don't want to know what's going on in your dirty little minds" I mumbled.

"Oh Amber, you have a lot to learn about me" he grinned. "Ew" I said.

"Anyways, look. Back in the classroom when she was holding your hand, that was different, okay? I don't think she makes you weak. I- I think she actually gives you control, like being afraid of being lonely gives Amber control. She's kind of-"

"Your anchor" I finished.

"You mean because I love her" Scott mumbled without realizing what he just said.

Uncertainty - Stiles Stilinski [1]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें