Bắt đầu từ đầu

"Aw, he's so small, like a little roach." The same girl teased, as Jordan glared at them with a serious expression in his face. Symere glanced at the two women in disgust, and Jordan took noticed as he then snapped his fingers two times. The girls stopped talking, and looked at him.

"Aye, get y'all bitch asses out of hea' with allat. Like he said, we tryna get this shit started. Be gone, now." He demanded, and just like the little bitches they are? They obeyed on command.

Symere was lowkey impressed on how dominant he was. In fact, he found it quite attractive.

"I'm sorry about them. Should've never brought they asses, had I known they would act like that." He said, sounding like he was their daddy. Shit, by the way he directed them like they were puppets, he was their "daddy."

"No, no. It's okay, I'm um―" Symere paused, chuckling softly as he shrugged his shoulders. "I'm used to the names and things." He turned his camera on, before turning the dial onto the correct setting.

"Really? That's not cool, man. I'd be damned if I let someone disrespect me like that, i'll―"

"Can we just start?" Symere interrupted Jordan, not wanting to get onto the topic of name calling. Jordan simply nodded his head, and walked onto the white backdrop.

"And I only fuck wit' rich hoes, and I only fuck wit' thick hoes." Jordan kept rapping along with his song, as Symere looked through the multitude of pictures on his laptop. It took two hours, yet they were finally done for the day. Jordan, with an infinite amount of pleading and empty threats, had played his songs on Symere's speakers throughout the entire shoot.

As weird as the music was to Symere, he couldn't stand there and lie by saying Jordan wasn't at least a good looking man. He tapped through his shots, silently admiring him, considering pictures couldn't talk.

"Damn, kid. You take some good pics." Jordan complemented, as Symere looked at him. "Thank you, I try." He smiled, for the first time throughout the day.

Jordan's face lit up, from the small sign of affection. "Well you succeeded." He showed off his pearly whites, before tucking his bottom lip in between his perfect and aligned teeth.

Symere slowly looked back at the laptop, the smile never leaving his face. If he was two skin tones lighter, oh he would've been as red as a tomato from blushing too hard.

"I have a question." Jordan twirled around in the office chair Symere gave him. "Ask away." He clicked and grouped all the photos to one folder, and labeled it "Carter_Jordan" for safe keeping.

"You ever had a photoshoot? Like have you ever had pictures taken of yourself before?" He questioned, intrigued at what the young boy might say.

"Um, well if I'm being honest, no. Never have, and I probably never will, for personal reasons." He hesitantly answered, exiting out of the current software onto his laptop screen.

"What are those personal reasons?" Symere bit the inside of his cheek, at the questions Jordan was asking him. It was as if he was being interrogated for a crime he didn't commit.

"I don't know you all too well to tell you, Mr. Carter." Jordan kissed his teeth as his answer. "Call me Jordan, I ain't no old nigga." He stated, tossing a mini basketball in his hands.

"Well, Jordan, I don't really know you like that." He correct himself, as Jordan shook his head. "You know my name, don't you?" Jordan asked, as Symere nodded his head slowly. "So you know me."

"Yeah, but that's literally it. I don't know who you are as a person, what you act like and shi―things like that." He stumbled, almost cursing in front of his client.

"I mean, who said you couldn't find out?" Symere looked at the man in confusion, as his focus was now on Jordan. "Elaborate for me." He retorted, crossing one leg over the opposite one.

"Come to my crib tonight. Maybe we could talk more about your feelings and whatnot. Bring your little camera, and set up a private photo shoot. Just to make you feel more comfortable, you know? How's that sound?" Jordan rolled in front of Symere, towering over his small, 5'4 frame.

"I um, I don't know if that's―"

"Eleven o'clock, my crib. I got your business card, so I'll send you my address. When you get to my gate? Shoot me a text. I'll personally let you in. I'm not taking no for an answer, so be there." He interrupted, as if that was more of a statement than an offer.

Symere nodded his head, not knowing what he was getting himself into. Jordan smiled innocently, glancing at his Audemars Piguet watch. Symere was surprised he wasn't the type to just have the watch as just an accessory.

"Well Symere, it was nice doing business with you. Already paid you in full, so everything should be good. Remember, 11 o'clock sharp, nigga." He reminded Symere, who scoffed at the man, considering he was over 30 minutes late to a photo shoot he set up.

"I'll be there at 11:15, smart ass." Symere spoke with a hint of an attitude within him. Jordan chuckled softly at the ordeal, standing up from the office chair.

"Oh yeah? I double dog dare yo ass to come late. Don't tempt me, lil nigga. Do it again, I'll give you something that I want, and that you'll need. Say something else." He spoke, using this hand to yank the boy's head up by his chin, forcing him to look upwards.

Symere was immediately on hush mode, as he stared at the man who had probably the largest pair of balls on planet Earth. He was getting turned on by the second, his insides were tingling.

"That's what I thought. See you later, Symere." Jordan lightly smacked Symere's cheeks before walking towards and exiting from the metal doors. The boy was left there, dumbfounded by what just happened.

"11 o'clock, huh? I'll pay his ass a visit, alright." Symere smirked deviously, closing his laptop.


as you can probably tell, there
will be a part two for this.
yes, this didn't have anything
sExUaL, but just wait. );
it's all about character
development, you know?

anyways, thank you for reading
& I hope you enjoyed it.

DESIRE | IMAGINESNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ