Hazel Eyes 👀

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" How?! How could you?! We have the family YOU wanted. And you go behind my back, and start a new one?"
A single tear dropped off of Shrek's face. Fiona stayed silent. The distraught beast hovered up his hand and his finger followed through to the door.
" No. No, Shrek I'm sorry! I'm sorry! No!", Fiona croaked. She tip-toed (carful not to wake the triplets up) out through the door and out of Shrek's heart. The ogre rang up his only trusted friend.
" Yellow! This is dOnKEy, whO dIs?" yelled Donkey
"Um, Donkey? Can my kids stay at yours tonight? It's problems between me and Fiona again." whispered an embarrassed Shrek. Within 20 minutes, 3 baby ogres slept away at a dragon's den.

** 1 Hour Later**

Shrek gouged down the 7th shot. His eyes were as blurry as a fogged up camera. Suddenly, a similar screech rung through the ears of all customers. The door. In came hooded figure; he/she were dressed in all black, head to toe covered in a shadow. Everyone turned away, forgetting the new comer in an instant. But Shrek took notice of their hazel, enchanted eyes. There was something about them. They were full of passion and despair, love and hatred. The bulky shadow strolled over to the empty seat that stood next to Shrek. Shrek couldn't take his eyes of his figure. The mystery man grunted towards to barista, " 1 Bloody Mary for me..." To this, Shrek replied: "Feisty."
To and fro the conversation went. Their lips ran as smooth as paper.
" You wanna get outta here?"
"Out the bar?" replied Shrek.
"Outta town."
"I don't even know your name!"
* sigh* " The name's Thanos. Maybe you've heard of me...?"
"Nope." squeaked the ogre
" How 'bout this? Heads : You get outta town with me— Tails: You stay."
Jasmine Masters ( being the icon she is) yeeted out a coin.
"And I-Oop! Heads!"

What Does This Turn of Events Lead To? Can Shrek Trust Thanos. Find Out Next Chapter...

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