Wrong Feelings II

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Some dreams were meant to stay dreams...?

Yunho sat at the foot of his bed, knees tucked under his chin. Even though it had been three days now since that day, there were still wet salty traces of tears covering his cheeks and they returned no matter how often he wiped them away with his palm.

Three days ago he finally wanted to accept his real feelings and confess to the boy he began to love, although it meant leaving the girl he had loved before but stopped loving.
This alone made him feel terrible, because he swore he would never hurt her.
In the end he did, but it was the best, at least the best he could do in the deviled situation he was in.

But three days ago everything went wrong, even though it started off quite good.

Mingi, the boy he started loving, actually felt the same for him. It was like a dream came true. But within seconds everything good was gone.

His ex girlfriend bursted in, because she couldn't accept Yunho leaving her, or just misunderstood him.
As Mingi saw her and heard her wrong words, her lies, his heart broke. He thought Yunho was only joking around with him, trying how it's with a boy after he had had a girlfriend.

The truth is, Yunho couldn't blame Mingi for his reaction. He couldn't have known it better, everything just became a huge misunderstanding.

A misunderstanding with fatal consequences.

„Mingi hates me now..."

Yunho was sure of this, for him there was no way that Mingi could still have any feelings left for him.
All Yunho wanted was to clear everything and see if Mingi could at least forgive him.
But how was he supposed to do it? What should he say? Would Mingi even believe his words after he lost all his trust in him?

Yunho's head fell down weak, revealing two wet spots on his kneecaps. His whole body was weak. Yunho noticed it the first time in the three days now, he noticed how not eating or sleeping affected him so drastically.
Maybe this was his punishment for being such an idiot.

He tried to stand up feeling slightly nauseous. Yunho closed his eyes for a second supporting himself on his bed.

Suddenly he heard someone knock at the door.

Everything went black...-

-...but soon became clear again. He looked at the door slowly opening into the room revealing a tall person standing in the door frame.
Yunho had to look twice because he couldn't believe it at all.
It was Mingi.

„Mingi? What..What are you doing here?" Yunho's voice slightly cracked upon not having used it for other sounds than crying the last three days.

Mingi eyed Yunho from top to bottom with a serious but not angry look as Yunho had expected.

„What does it look like?" his look went now up to the others eyes. „You didn't came out of your room for three whole days, so I'm checking on you. I was worried about you, idiot."

Confusion, confusion was all there was in Yunho's head in that moment. All the time he thought Mingi didn't care about him a single bit. He had hurt him after all.

„But you.."

„Ran out of the house and left you behind that day? Yes, but unfortunately my feelings didn't change at all for you. I still like you, even though you ... it ... hurt me."

Yunho wanted to say something but Mingi was faster again.

„I wanted to give you the chance of explaining. I just can't hate you, Yunho. And I still hope there's some kind of explanation for everything that doesn't make me hate you at all."

Wrong Feelings | | ATEEZ YunGiWhere stories live. Discover now