Chapter 10:Bought and paid for

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Blood brothers 10

"You are never allowed to speak to those people again, do you understand me?"Hueys mom said, aggressively making the bed.

"Hold on, you can buy me, lie to me and keep me away from Della but you can't keep me from them"Huey said.

She turned around with a scary-Mom- look on her face "This right here is why we moved. This is why I forbade you to talk to that- that- trailer trash!"

"Now wait a minute, Dewey is no-"

"Every time you see him you come back with disrespectful behavior and I do not appreciate it!"

"It has nothing to do with Dewey mom-"

"That's enough! As soon as I can I'll be finding a private school, I don't care how far away it is. From now on we're taking you to school and we are picking you up, you will not be allowed to talk to them and you will no longer be allowed to leave this house without permission. Do you understand me?"

"Well I suppose I'm still in dept to you. You did pay for me after all."


"You never listen to me! I'm just another object. I'm bought and paid for"Huey slammed the door behind him.

The next day at school things were kinda...Awkward. The three boys tried to avoid each other at all costs, until lunch that is, webby was with her friends and Louis didn't really want to bother her so he sat at the same table as Dewey and Huey.

"So we're not going to talk about it?"Dewey asked.

"What's there to talk about?"Huey asked.

"Well how are you guys holding up?"Dewey asked.

Both Huey and Louie shrugged.

"Come on, surely you want to say something"Dewey said.

"Well it isn't like I didn't already know"Louie said "Scrooge was completely honest, he thought Della was dead though..."

"At least your parents were honest with you"Huey said "My mom and dad lied to me this whole time"Huey argued.

"Well at least you were wanted!"Louie shot back.

"Guys I didn't mean fight about it!"Dewey yelled.

Huey rolled his eyes"Oh please, at least you actually knew her, you never had to question anything!"

"That's where your wrong!"Dewey said "My mom wasn't exactly honest with me either but that doesn't mean I go around hating everyone!"

"Guys please is this really necessary?"Louie asked, "We're brothers"

"Oh now we're brothers?"Dewey asked "You refused to take us seriously before!"

"I'm sorry ok? It's not like your stupid 'Blood Brothers' thing was real anyway"Louie said.

"That's it! I don't know why I was ever friends with you jerks!"Dewey yelled leaving. Huey and Louie left the opposite directions.

Things would only go downhill from there, Louie looked online for this new school policy to see if there was actually a loophole, there's always one.

He heard a knock at the library door, "Come in"Louie said.

Scrooge walked inside "Lad? I just-"

"Don't bother"Louie interrupted "Thanks for being honest the whole time, I'm not mad"Louie said reassuringly "Can we just move on from this?"

"Sure"Scrooge said "Uhm what are you doing?"

"I wanted to see if there was another way, and there is, I can do school completely online.I hate public school and I never want to see it again"Louie said.

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