Chapter 5: School

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Blood brothers 5

One week later Huey's private school lost its fundings. Which meant Huey needed to change schools, his only option was public school.

"Mom it's really not that big of a deal"Huey said.

"Not a big deal?"She asked "Only ruffians go to public schools"She said.

"Well what would you have me do?"He asked.

"I ought to send you to a boarding school but then I'd miss you too much"She said.

"Let's at least give this a try"He said. The bus arrived "I have to go"He said.

"Wait!"She said kissing his cheek "I love you dear".

"love you too, don't worry it may not be as bad as you think"Huey said.

"So wait you're telling me that you've never read To Kill a Mockingbird?"Louie asked.


"Not even at school?"He asked.

Dewey shrugged "I don't know, maybe."

"You're so weird"He said.

"How do you know? Maybe you're the weird one"He said.

"Maybe...and probably"He laughed.

"Hey guys over here!"Webby waved. Dewey and Louis walked over there.

"So are you and webby brother and sister? Cousins?"Dewey asked.

"She's the housekeepers daughter and my closest friend"Louis explained.

During lunch Louis, Dewey and webby were just talking.

"You can't be serious"He said.

"I am, we didn't even know he was a zombie until louie stabbed him in the chest!"Webby said.

"Enough about us though, how are you doing dew?"Louie asked.

Dewey sighed"There's not much to say, my life's pretty boring".

"Better then almost dying on a daily basis"He said.

"I guess"Dewey shrugged.

"Dewey?"Someone asked.

"Uh yes?"He looked behind him and saw a normal white duck wearing a sweater vest and bow tie. "May I help you?"

"Dewey it's me, Huey!"He said.

"Who?"He asked.

"Your blood brother"Huey said.

"Oh my god, how did you recognize me?"dewey asked.

"I don't know honestly"He laughed "When did you move here?"He asked.

"A couple weeks ago?"Dewey said like it was a question.

Webby and Louis were confused "Is this normal?"She whispered.

"No, just smile and nod till they realize we're still here"Louis said. And webby did so.

"Oh Huey these are my friends Louis and webby"He Announced.

"Nice to meet you"Huey said.

"Want to join us huey?"She asked.

"I'd love to"Huey sat down next to Dewey.

"So what's blood brothers?"Webby asked.

"Its this stupid thing we did when we were kids"Dewey laughed "Because we were both born on October 17".

"Hey!"Webby said "That's Louie's birthday!"She said.

"It is?"Dewey asked.

"That's so weird"Huey said.

"You three look so much alike too"She said.

They all looked at each other "I don't see it"They all said.

"Well Louie, maybe we need to make you a honorary member of the blood brothers community"Dewey said.

"You're all insane"Louie said honestly feeling awkward and didn't want to look needy.

It was like if fate brought them together, for no reason at all. Huey, Dewey and Louie became great friends after that. Yet they didn't question anything.

A/N: sooooorrryyyyy this took. So long and sorry it's so short, I will do my best to update sooner I promise!

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