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Mingi had suggested that Eunha wears something "comfortable to move around in" for their date.

Eunha rummaged through her boxes of clothes until she found simple athletic wear. T-shirt, sports bra, shorts, tennis shoes, etc.

Eunha had a good feeling that she knew exactly what Mingi was planning. It made her nervous yet excited for it.

She takes a quick shower and puts the clothes on, her hair being her last task before leaving the bathroom.

Mingi had left the house again after bringing in Eunha's boxes, giving her the time to get ready. She wasn't sure what Mingi left the house for, but she would find out in two minutes according to his latest text:

🔥Mingi🔥: I'll be there in ten minutes! 😉😊
Sent 8 minutes ago

Eunha left Mingi's bedroom and stuck her head in Yunho's room. "Care to tell me Mingi's plans?"

Yunho was laying on his back in bed when he looks up from his phone and at Eunha. "It's a surprise."

"Just tell me one thing. A hint."

"Well, I'm jealous. That's all I will say."

Eunha laughs against the doorframe and goes over to the tall boy, sitting on the side of his bed. "I'm so nervous, Yunho. We've gone out before, but this is so different and new."

Yunho shuts his phone off and holds it against his chest, looking up at the her. "You'll have a good time as long as you be yourself, Eunha. Mingi admires you for you. I mean heck, you have known him longer than I have. I'm sure you two know how to have a good time together."

Eunha smiles softly. "You're right. Thanks, I feel better now."

"Yes, you're welcome. Now why don't you go check the kitchen counter?" Yunho winks and giggles.

"O-Oh? Okay..." Eunha leaves Yunho's room and walks to the kitchen. She sees a three layer chocolate cake in its plastic casing and runs up to it. "Yunho?!!! A whole cake?!!"

"Yeah!! Don't worry, I won't eat any until you guys get back!! Read the note taped on the top!!" Yunho shouts from his room.

Eunha carefully peels the taped note off and begins to read:


Dear Eunha,

I feel honored to take you on a date today. I never knew this day would come and now that it's here, it feels so special. No matter how it goes, I'll remember it forever. Today, I want to make you the happiest girl of all if you'll let me. Introducing "Best Boyfriend Mingi" ~

Love, Mingi-ah


Eunha feels arms snake around her waist and she yelps. "Oh my—" She turns her head seeing Mingi there, back hugging her. "You scared me so bad!" She laughs.

"Did you read it through? It was kinda hard to judge when you were finished reading from behind the refrigerator." His voice was low and anxious.

Eunha's eyes widened as she looked at the fridge on the other side of the kitchen and then back at Mingi. "What? When did you get here?"

"Ten minutes ago..."

"Oh, well yes, I read the note. You're really sweet and seem like you want to go all out with this, and I'm okay with it." Eunha smiles softly, touching up Mingi's hair from as high as her hands could reach. "Don't be so nervous, you're doing great."

This was Mingi's first ever date with anyone, so hearing that boosts Mingi's confidence more and he smiles at his efforts. "Well then, shall we go now?"

"Yes, let's go!" Eunha frees herself from his embrace.

The two leave after saying their goodbyes to Yunho, Mingi holding Eunha's hand the whole way to the car.


A/N: Updates might get slower from now on. However, I will try to continue updating weekly for as long as I can. Thank you for reading up to this point! 💖


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