To Achieve Their Ends

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Salazar Slytherin was not expecting his parents to host this huge gathering. It was his birthday, sure, but since when had his Father cared about that? His Mum, maybe. But his Father? He would die before his Father cared. Minister for Magic Samuel Slytherin had much more important things to do than say 'happy birthday' to his only child. Hell, the only way his father would ever pay attention to him was if he suddenly became best buddies with Gryffindor. Typical.

Mum, on the other hand, had put a spin to the muggle happy birthday song and sang it to him. He had hated it, but it still felt nice because it showed she cared. His thoughts were broken by his blonde Malfoy friend. "How old are you today?"

"Thirteen." he answered shortly. "Still older than every other."

"And by that, you mean Gryffindor." a female voice said matter-of-factly.

"So what if I do?" Salazar asked, annoyed by the tone of voice she was using.

"That is not nice. Why must you be so over-competitive, Salazar?" Her took on a whine.

"Because he is my enemy." Salazar answered as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Which, really, it was. Then he walked away from Malfoy and Hufflepuff.

He was just about to grab the door handle, when someone tugged on his sleeve. "You must not leave, Young Master Salazar." Salazar looked down at the house-elf, cold grey eyes meeting wide green ones.

"And why not?" he demanded.

"Master Samuel told Wrinkly to make sure no one leaves. Wrinkly must not allow Young Master to leave while Wrinkly is on duty. Wrinkly must follow orders." the obviously scared house-elf explained.

"I have a few choice wo-" Salazar started, but was pulled away by his Mum before he could. She pulled him all the way to the alcove before kneeling down to be at his height.

"Salazar, get out of here." she told him. "Get out of here, as soon as you possibly can. Your father is plotting to-"

"No! He can not be."

"Salazar, let me—"

"He is a good person. How can you say that, Mum?" Salazar insisted. "Sure, he might not remember my birthday, or anything like that but he is not about to—"

"Let me finish!" Salazar stood in stunned silence. His Mum had never raised his voice at anyone. Not him when he misbehaved, not his Father when he got drunk and tried to take it out on them, not even the House-elves when they got her meal wrong. "I am not saying that your father is a... bad... person, but he is not all that great either. Salazar, listen to me. Your father is trying to get you engaged. And it will not be for love, other than for his love of money, of course."

"He is wanting to get you engaged to Marlena Malfoy, I believe." his Mum continued. "Either her or—"

"Have you seen Marlena Malfoy, Mum?" Salazar asked. He had no qualms about getting engaged to Marlena. She was a pretty blonde with blue eyes.

"Yes, I have seen Marlena Malfoy." his Mother said, an edge yo her voice, "And she is a trollop. Anyways, Sam has another choice."

"And who is that?"

"Helga Hufflepuff."

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jul 14, 2019 ⏰

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