"Really? Never?"

"Yeah. It just so happened that I didn't," I said. "Though the sorting hat was about to put me in it."


"Yeah, but it went with Ravenclaw. It's fine though because we have more open spaces it's hardly like we're separate houses."

"I guess, come on," he said, linking arms with me and tugging me across the slick street. "God you just had to pick the coldest day."

"Sorry," I replied. He shrugged and gestured to a shop in the downtown area. He opened the door with a gloved hand and I walked in first, feeling the wonderful warmth from the heater.

The shop was covered wall to wall in board games of all kinds. I had never seen past Monopoly or Sorry and this was insane.

"Woah, holy shit."

"That was my reaction when I started working here! Hi I'm Amy call me if you need anything," she called from the counter. I smiled and walked to the first wall, Lance approaching my side.

"I didn't know there could be so many versions of Monopoly," he murmured, peering over my shoulder.

"Oh look portable games! This could be fun to bring to school!" I said, gesturing for him to follow. I took one off the wall and let my eyes scan over the back.

"Hah Cards Against Humanity," he said, snatching a black box from the display.

"That would be really fun to play with everyone," I replied. "Here give it to me." He handed to me and I placed mine back. "I was considering buying this before."

"No I'll get it."

"No I will."

"I mentioned it so I'll buy it."

"So you'll take it home and let your mom find it?"

"You'll let your dad?"

"My dad doesn't care."

"My mom doesn't—"

"Hah, I'm buying it," I said, skipping off to the counter. We exited and he carried my bag for me, seeing as he had thicker gloves than I did.

"God it's freezing. Hot chocolate?" He offered and I nodded. There was a warm coffee place down the block so we huddled inside to order hot chocolates. I got a cinnamon one and he got white chocolate to which I made fun of him.

"White chocolate is nasty and isn't even chocolate."

"Yes it is!!"

"No it's not, it's just plain nasty."

"You're nasty." I placed a hand to my chest, scoffing.

"Wow harsh," I replied, sipping mine. "I guess I won't give you any then." He made a puppy dog at him and I sighed and offered up my cup to which he took a sip.

"Indirect kiss."

"Oh shut up scrub."

"Wow, then you can't have any of mine."

"Good that shit is nasty."


I laughed and he chuckled slightly. I glanced over at him and he gestured for me to follow him. With the warm feeling growing in my stomach the cold wasn't so bad anymore, and we strolled around as the sun neared the horizon. I took another sip of my drink.

"Hey, aren't Keith and Pidge at your house?"

"Yeah, well not currently, they're with Shiro," I said. He nodded.

Game On | Lance x Reader(Harry Potter AU)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя