Sugar honey iced tea

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Hmmm... first chapter 25 views, 2 votes. :) Second chapter, 12 views.. o-o why'd it go down? Third chapter... 8 views what the fudgecake. Fourth chapter 12 views... Okay alright Idk but lets say... I hope you guys are starting to like it?

"Do you want to tell them, or should I?" The sheriff glared at Vanessa and Trent with distaste. Vanessa shrugged, Trent sighed. The sheriff opened her mouth to speak, but Trent spoke first.

"Okay, fine, they recognized us from the Marquee and knew we were underrage drinking." Trent cracked a smile as he said this. "What?!" The sheriff snapped. "Trent!" Vanessa exclaimed. "The fu-"

"I'm kidding!" He blurted, holding in a laugh. "Come on, Trent," Keith pleaded. "Stop messing around."

Keith, Trent, Vanessa, and I have been sitting in the police office for a while now. I'm dressed in a long blue and cream striped cardigan with a white shirt and mom jeans. Yes, mom jeans. The ones that make your butt "look good" when they actually make it look flat. Why am I wearing mom jeans? Because I'm posing as Trent's mother.

I tapped my foot impatiently -like a mother- and waited for them to explain. Trent sighed again, smiled, and let out a soft laugh. Vanessa gave him a flirty look.

"We stole a few tacos-"

"WHAT!?" I yelled. The Over Exaggerating mother.

"Trent! I expect better from you!" I widened my eyes at him and pursed my lips. Vanessa held her head down into her arm so we wouldn't see her giggling.

"And you!" I jabbed a finger at Vanessa. She looked up at me, wide eyed. "I trusted you with my son and you've failed me." Keith snort laughed. I shot him the, You're Next, look, then snapped my head back to Trent.

"Mom, I'm sorry, it was just a few tac-"

"Just a few tacos? JUST A FEW TACOS?! Do you KNOW how much MONEY-" I stopped mid sentence and bit my lip. "Give me your hand." I said. It was Trent's turn to widen his eyes. "Hand." I repeated. He stuck out his hand with a confused look. I slapped it.

"Ow." Trent snatched his hand back. I glanced over at the bewildered look on the officer's face and gave her an apologetic smile.

"I am so sorry, officer, I will make sure this doesn't happen again." There was a long pause in which you could hear Vanessa giggling in her sleeve and Keith snorting again. I bit my lip, trying with everything in me not to laugh. The officer sighed.

"Okay," She said. "Umm... I'm Officer Becca if you need me." She tapped her fingers on the desk. "Any contact with Vanessa's parents?" I nodded. "I called them on the way here." I fibbed. Officed Becca glimpsed at her watch then back at me. "And... where are they?"


I coughed. "Um... Well... Her father is in a meeting-" I paused and started tapping my foot on the floor. "Her mother is at work." I looked at the ground. More silence. "May I contact them?" Officer Becca asked after a few seconds. My eyes bulged. "Nope, uh uh, it's fine, we are-" I crossed my fingers. "Like this. We can-we can talk." I stood up.

"Lets go Trent." I said, grabbing his ear and dragging him out the door. Vanessa and Keith tagged along behing me.

"Trent, I am so upset with you right now, young man..." I turned and smiled at Officer Becca again before the door shut. "You are grounded." I told Trent.

When we stepped outside of the police office, we all burst into laughter.

"Are you kidding me, Trent?" I paused to laugh again. "Tacos?" Vanessa laughed. "He was missing a few bucks," She said. "He was trying to be sweet."

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