Sweet Buns

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I never knew he actually made an effort in this room. It actually looks nice. Posters of guitars and bands and some British artists. I guess this isn't what I expected. I didn't expect him to be across the hall from me either.

Another thing I didn't expect was to be sitting on his grey and black checkered bed, staring at the wall in shock. It was Keith, this whole time. "So... that was you?" I asked. Way to state the obvious, idiot. I told myself. But he seemed to not notice, for he nodded his head and shrugged. Well he's got a good set of vocals.

Out of curiosity, I just had to know, "What was that song, you know, the one you were just singing?" I asked him. His face turned red as he looked down at the floor, fiddling with his hands. "Oh, you know... umm... it's just a song I'm working on... for the project." He said, then he walked to the other side of the room and leaned on the desk. I nodded, understanding.

"Oh, that, I haven't even started." I said. "I honestly think I'm going to fail--"

"You can work with me." Keith said, quickly interrupting me. I looked up at him. He shyly smiled at me, then walked over to me. I looked at him and for a moment it was like a flock of birds flying in my stomach. And I think I was falling for him. Hard. A long pit of love and if I finally land it will be just as great. Unless he doesn't like me...

"Melodi?" His voice snapped me out of my thoughts. Crap, I was staring. I blushed and Keith said, "So yea?" I thought for a second then said, "why not?" And for the next half hour, we practiced on my vocals. He wanted me to sing "the scale" or whatever it is. "Do, re, mi, fa, so" and back down. So for the first ten minutes, I absolutely refused. The ten minutes after that, he sang it for me. And for these ten minutes, he finally agreed to just sing with me.

But I was doing it wrong.

"You just have to breathe, Dee Dee." Keith told me. He called me Dee Dee! I smiled... his face went red again. "Sorry, I can just--" I shook my head, stopping him. "It's alright." I assured him. He smiled back at me. "Okay, now take a breath," He said. I obeyed. "Now sing." I tried... and I lost my breath again.

"I don't know, I just can't do this. My voice will just be this squeaky, mess and--" He told me to stop. "It's alright... I've got a different method." Then he gently placed rested his hand on my stomach. My eyes widened and I don't know if this was supposed to give me breath because it sure did take it away.

"Okay, now take a deep breath in, and sing." He said. I did, and it came out strong. And he stopped singing with me at so and left me by myself. I was not expecting that. He grinned at me. "Exactly." And when Keith looked at me, sparks went off in my head. Like, little twinkling sparks in my head. He carefully slipped his hand from my stomach to my waist and leaned towards me. That's when the door opened.

Keith quickly backed up from me, blushing as Ben came in with a bag in his hand. "I got Taco Bell man!" He said, struggling to get the key out of the door. Ugh, Ben is an idiot. "Fresh, hot tacos. Nothin' better." Then he looked up and saw us. I was as stiff as a pole. "Oh... my bad." He said, closing the door behind him.

Ben had the voice of your typical surfer dude. Except he looked nothing like one. Today his shoulder length, wavy brown hair was in a ponytail, he had a dark blue v-neck shirt on and khaki shorts. He had a look on his face that said, I-know-what-you're-up-to. I was still standing stiff.

"Oh it's okay, I was just.. warming up with Melodi." Keith nervously stated. He nodded. "I can see.." Ben replied suspiciously. "Well sorry, sweet buns, but I didn't know you'd be here." He smirked at me. "Sweet buns?" I questioned, finally loosening up. He laughed.

"It's okay, I can share some." Keith said. I tried to say no, but he insisted and shoved a taco in my hand. He shrugged it off. "No big deal." Then he took a bite of his taco. "Since when do you share--" Keith shot a look at Ben that made him throw his hands up in surrender. "Sorry dude. I just didn't think muffins over here--"

The Moment Before We Kissedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें