Enter Batman, Exit Penguin

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   "Well, you've kept me waiting. What's the surprise for tonight Ozzy?" I ask him as he opens the door to the car.

He smiles, gesturing for me to go first, "Just a little longer my dear, you'll know soon enough."

With both of us in the back, the car drives off into the city.

I look out the window as the car drives through Gotham's downtown area, the bright night lights contrasting against the dark Gothic-styled buildings. Tonight I’m in a purple dress, down to my knees. Guess wherever we’re going, it’s too fancy for my usual Trickstress outfit. At least the dress goes well with my mask.

I feel Ozzy gently scoop up my hand and he kisses it, working his way up my arm until he reaches my shoulder. He then wraps his arms around my waist and looks out with me,

"Beautiful, isn't it?"

I nod, "Yeah...it sure is."

He looks up at me worriedly, "You're distracted tonight my love, tell me, what's wrong?"

Well, the fact that his two trannies beat me in my cell isn't helping things, but I least I got Candy's knife out of it. I have everything I need to escape. Now it's just a matter of time...but honestly, I don't want to. I'm dreading the moment I have to break his heart again, but I also know it's inevitable.

"That black box that Candy stole from you...that was your mother's wedding ring, wasn't it?" I hypothesize.

He kisses my cheek, "Now, now, don't spoil the fun for me. You'll find out soon enough."

He pulls me into a full kiss, his hands grabbing at my back and pulling me into him. He's scared. He's keeping me close, literally, he's worried I'll run out on him. My eyes still open, I see out of the corner of my eye the driver watching us from the rearview mirror, classy.

We arrive at the Gotham docks where a luxury liner cruise stands out in between all of the cargo ships. Well, I know he's not bringing me onto a cargo ship.

Holding my hand, he walks me over to the cruise ship, and on it's hull reads, "The Final Offer".

"How'd you come by this?" I ask him in amazement, as we board the ship.

"Somalian pirates.” he explains, “Converted her into a casino boat for Gotham’s highest rollers, but tonight it’s all ours.”

Of course it wasn’t through legitimate means, this is Ozzy after all. Still, as we enter the ship, the bright lights and refined decor mesmerize me. Behind us, the driver quickly changes from his chauffeur suit into a waiter’s vest. He’s certainly keeping staff to a minimum here. Does he not trust his other henchmen? Probably not, for all he knows, they could be spies sent by Amanda.

The ship sets sail on the Gotham bay as we’re seated at a lone table for two. The waiter lights the single candle in between us, and Ozzy puts one elbow on the table to rest his head on his hand,

“You know something?” he asks, his eyes droopy and loving behind his monocle, “Before I met you, I’d never had anyone pay so much attention to me. Well, except for Mother of course. You know, you remind me of her quite a bit.”

I smile, “So you’ve told me.”

He reaches his hand out and places his other hand on mine, “I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

Oh, that’s incredibly cheesy...but incredibly effective, damn you Ozzy, I’m blushing. I know what’s coming next, but please, please prove me wrong.

The captain of the ship, this I can only assume by the uniform he wears, walks out of one of the side doors in the ship and over to Ozzy. He whispers a couple of words into his ear before leaving hurriedly out the same door he came in.

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