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We all wander the house, waiting for the sunlight to come while also worrying about Rafael who had apparently been stabbed by one of their swords. There was no way he was gonna last that long. I had been up a few times already to take some of his pain away. I may have thought he was an asshole and hated his guts but I was not gonna let him die. Next thing we know, the house starts rumbling. I come back down the stairs, thinking there's some sort of earthquake happening.

I stand beside Derek and look out the open front door where one of the creatures were currently slamming it's arm into the barrier, causing the house to shake. "What are they doing?" Scott wonders aloud. "Testing for weaknesses" Aiden answers him. They continue to hit against the barrier and Scott's furniture starts moving. We hear plates crash to the floor and glass shattering but they weren't letting up.

Another one starts helping causing more plates to shatter. They start to stick their swords in and slowly pulling apart almost like opening it up. And it was working. One pulls it's sword out and starts reaching it's hand through the barrier slowly getting through it as my eyes widen. "Oh, fuck" I say, gaining the others attention. They all quickly look back because apparently I was the only one actually watching this happen besides Aiden.

"We have a problem" Aiden starts to panic. "Big problem" I agree. Scott quickly gets out his phone to call Allison and see if she knew anything about whatever the hell these creatures were as the rest of us stay in front of the door, ready to fight them all off again. "Allison, please tell me that you have something. They're here. They're trying to get in. And it looks like they're gonna be able to do it." Scott says as one of them manages to make the hole way bigger than it was by taking a step forward. It starts tilting it's head creepily at us like it did before it reached deep into our souls and I can't help but shutter.

That's when it clicks. I had seen these creatures before. Because while I was stuck in my head when Stiles and I were in Economics, I had drawn all those different drawings of Scott, Allison and Stiles. And the one of Stiles had the creatures standing behind him. I remember the drawings perfectly. Allison running from Kate, Scott turning into the beast Peter used to be and Stiles had an evil look on his face with the masked figures standing behind him. What did the creatures have to do with Stiles? I had no clue. But something was telling me, it wasn't good.

I'm taken out of my thoughts by Derek pushing me back behind him, protectively. They continue to try and get through the barrier, almost managing to do so. "Scott, you're going to have to do something" Derek calls out to Scott who was now talking to Kira. They finally break the mountain ash barrier and one of them steps in. They all start stepping into the house as the twins, Derek and I get ready to fight them off. "Don't do anything" Scott suddenly says causing us all to look back at him in disbelief.

"Is he serious?" Ethan questions in disbelief. They continue to walk towards us and Scott takes a step forward. "I said, don't do anything" Scott repeats. The creatures stare at Scott intently and Scott turns back to look at Kira. He holds his hand out towards her and she hesitantly takes it. "Trust me." Scott tells her, softly. She nods and Scott leads her towards the creatures. We all take a step back as they approach the two. They continue to hold hands as each grab their faces and glow their eyes at them.

And, it happens once again. The green fluorescent light. The coldness running through my body. I drop to the floor as arms wrap around me, carefully bringing me to the ground. It was Ethan. Then I see darkness.


I quickly put my keys and my helmet down on the counter. I start to go upstairs to grab my book bag when Derek stops me with a concerned look. "Are you alright?" He asks. "Yeah." I answer confused. "What's with the rush?" He asks. "It's nothing, Der" I shake it off but he gives me a look. "Just give me a minute" I tell him and he nods, letting go of my arm. I go up the stairs and grab my back pack. I take out my Economics notebook and start flipping through the pages until I find the one I'm looking for.

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