She had dreamed of being married and moving to a three bedroom condo in the city with him and that baby, which they'd love with all their hearts. But that dream was all but shattered when  he left her. The only reason that it wasn't completely shattered was because she had that baby that she loved with all her heart. Suddenly, Natasha popped into her thoughts again as she began to think about the red headed spy that made her at home at the Avengers Tower. Sure their "romance" was a little awkward, but every new romance is, especially when one of the main characters in play is a straight female, then again, Natasha had that type of persona that made Normani question if she was secretly bi and just pretending to be straight. The way she talked to her made Normani just melt with wanting to just be with her. 

Sadly, it, wasn't meant to be. 

Her thoughts all ceased when Maddie reached over to tap her shoulder. "We're here." She said smiling, opening the car door. Normani hadn't really been paying attention to where they were but she sure was underwhelmed when she saw the small New York factory that was HYDRA. Madeleine saw her lack of shock and shook her head. "We've had to downsize greatly after the Avengers attacked the main HYDRA base a while back, this is all we can have right now, but you can change that." She smiled, walking over to the Uber driver's door. She smiled again before looking at the shocked man's face. "Sorry man, but you can't know anything about this." She said, before he could even react, she pulled out a gun and shot him clean in the head. 

Normani shook her head before gagging a little. "Great, now that that's out of the way, let's venture to the place of dreams. Welcome to HYRDA base number 313."

Following behind Maddie, Normani looked back one more time, trying to think of her old life just one more time, remembering how it felt to be semi normal for just one more moment before she left it all behind. With a deep breath, she turned back to Maddie, whispering a few low words.

"Goodbye." It was questionable who or what she was saying goodbye to.

Meanwhile, Natasha and the Avengers were working on finding out more information about Normani's little friend. "So we know that her name is Madeleine Marie Everest, that's what we got from her social media." Bruce stated. "And from the looks of it, she's pretty good friends with Alisha Naomi Johnson and Elena Sophia Liliana Bascorino more so than Normani. Most of these pictures of them together at places around New York but there's only one of her with Normani." Clint clarified. "And if you check Normani's Instagram, there are no pictures of Madeleine on there at all, just the other two." Bruce said again. 

Natasha nodded. "In her bio, it says she's a college student on a lacrosse scholarship to NYU, but what college student on a sports scholarship only posts stuff outside of school?" Sam asked. "It made me do some further research on her. I asked the staff at NYU to tell me how many times Madeleine has showed up to class and they had no idea who she was. So either she's that quiet kid in the back, or she's not enrolled at all." Rhodes stated.

Natasha nodded, this was progress. "Okay so now that we know that Madeleine's whole purpose of being in New York is a lie, we can figure out what her real purpose here is. Which brings me to this, on three of her posts, she's on a "class trip" to Germany. Not once does she take a picture of her surroundings or the people she's there with. It's always a picture of her in sunglasses sitting near a historic place or statue. Never a caption just a location." 

"Germany. Never a city there it's always just Germany. Which makes me think that she's there a lot more often then we think. Like she has important business there." "So if she's not in New York for college then what is she here for and why is she lying about it?" Natasha asked. "Let's think from a different approach. She's purposely made friends with all of Normani's friends. They didn't go to NYU so she went out of her way to meet them." "How did they meet?" Clint asked. "Madeleine was drinking at a bar with Elena one night, Elena got drunk and she played safety net and took her home, they've been friends ever since. Alisha and her met at Elena's birthday party a few months back. Apparently the cake guy bailed last minute so Maddie swooped in and saved the day." Tony stated.

"Okay so what we've gathered in total is that Madeleine is a liar. She lies about going to college and being on a sports scholarship, she purposely made friends with all of Normani's closest friends. But all for what? The one thing all of these have in common is Normani, she lives in New York and now that Madeleine is close to her friends she can just walk into her apartment and no one would say anything." Natasha said. "So her goal was to gain Nor's trust, but something tells me that Mani was smarter than that, she knew that something was fishy."

"So she never fully let Madeleine into her life like she did Elena and Alisha."

"So seeing that she was failing, she called for some help and they took care of the rest, meaning that Maddie works for..."

"HYDRA." Natasha finished. "So how do we know what to do now?" Steve asked. "If HYDRA has her, there's no telling where she is now." "Not true, when we blew up the HYDRA castle a while back, a lot of HYDRA's bases around the world went down with it. There's only like 313." Clint added. "So then she's probably in one close by because Normani would never leave the city without her daughter and if she knew this was HYDRA, she wouldn't have dared take her." Rhodes mentioned. "So how many bases are left in New York?" Sam asked. Natasha pressed something on her computer and a display came up. "The board doesn't really check that much for these bases now a days so we have to go off of the count taken six years ago, there's two but the second one burned down three months ago in an accidental fire." She said.

"So we have a location team." Tony smiled. "Let's suit up and save Normani's ass."   

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