Laksh chuckled. "She said nothing bad, trust me. She really holds you in high regards. Swara even said you were a role model for her!" Laksh admitted. "There's one thing which she did tell me not to tell you. It's that I shouldn't tell you about how much she respects you and cares for you. Said something about sibling pride and all."

Ragini chuckled. "That's little siblings for you. You can't help but love them, but also can't ever have a peaceful moment as they're always bent on irritating you." she reached over for the tissue on the table.

Abruptly, Laksh reached it before her and handed it to her. "Here."


"You're welcome Miss Ragini."

Ragini smiled at him in amusement. "You don't need to be so formal Laksh. I thought we were friends, aren't we?"

"We are? I mean yes! We are, of course we are. Haha...ahaha!" Laksh stuttered over his words. 'Miss Ragini? Did I just say Miss Ragini!? Of course I'm overdoing the entire formal thing. Ugh! Damage control, damage control!' Laksh gave a confident smirk to cover his anxious state. "True. But a gentleman always treats a lady with respect. Besides, I'm Laksh Maheshwari. I do everything in a grand way." he joked, knowing that girls liked a guy with good humor.

It seemed to have it's desired effect as Ragini let out a giggle. "You Maheshwaris and your superiority complex. The times I met Sanskar, he acted just like you."

"Yeah, but I'm pretty sure I'm the cooler one."


Laksh's heart skipped a beat. 'She thinks I'm cool!'

"Ragini, good afternoon!" greeted a waitress as she came near.

"Hey Tina! How are you?"

"I'm good dear. What would you like? The usual?" Tina noticed Ragini wasn't alone. "Oh! I see you're on a date. I guess this gentleman here will order today for you, eh?"

"It's okay. You can order what you like Ragini." Laksh told Ragini and turned to look at Tina. "I'll have the same. Just give the bill to me, alright?"

"Then I'll order today's special for the both of us. Today's Wednesday, so Manish must be cooking it."

"You're right Ragini! I'll be back with your orders soon." saying so, Tina left towards the counter.

"You seemed to know her well. Are you a daily customer here?" Laksh asked curiously.

"Yes. Me and Swara come here often. Once you try Manish's cooking, you'll fall in love with it!"

"If you like it, I'm sure I will too."

"You can trust me on that department. I'm a pretty cool judge of delicious foods." Ragini joked.

Laksh chuckled at her childish glee. It felt good talking to her. He could be himself, without trying to keep up a formal front.

Whenever he went out with any other girl, they mostly talked about something that involved cars, luxury and riches. The daughters of the rival gangs tried to date him as well. But all they did was try to impress him by talking about jewellery and diamonds. They either wanted him for his body or his power. No matter how much he wanted to tell them. 'Please shut up, stuff your face with food and leave!' he controlled himself and acted like a gentleman.

However, with Ragini, he didn't have to try and act like he was having a good time. Because he genuinely was having a great time with her and would be happy to be spend more.

He placed his head on his hand and looked at her with a dreamy smile. On Ragini's questioning look, he answered on reflex without thinking much. "You look beautiful."

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