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  "So you expect to leave me standin' on some beach with nothin' but a name and your word, it's the one I need, and watch you sail away on my ship?" he trailed off laughing.

  This was after Jack had given him a proposition to him giving away Will's name.

  "No, I expect to leave you standing on some beach with absolutely no name at all, watching me and Hazel sail away on my ship, and I'll shout the name back to you, savvy?" Jack explained. I watched the conversation intently.

  "But that still leaves us with the problem of me standin' on some beach with not but a name and your word is the one I need,"
   I was beyond confused at this point, why couldn't they both just talk normally. Jack leaned against the table and took an apple from the fruit bowl, inspecting it.

  "Of the two of us, I am the only one who 'asn't commited mutiny, therefore, my word is the one we'll be trusting.

  "Although, I suppose I should be thanking you, because in fact, if you hadn't betrayed me and left me to die, I would have an equal share in that curse same as you, funny ol' world innit?" Jack smiled, taking a bite out of the apple. Barbossa nodded and grimaced. I don't know why. I needed to find out about this curse.

  Jack turned to me and offered me a bite of the apple. I was rather hungry, so I took it and had a bite. It was one of the nicest apples I had ever had, and I lived in Port Royal!

  Jack smiled as I passed it back and he continued to eat it.

   A man walked into the cabin and addressed Barbossa.

  "Captain. We're coming up on the interceptor," he spoke. Suddenly, the monkey jumped off Barbossa's shoulder and scurried off the table. I gasped and Jack grimaced, I could tell he didn't like the monkey, I thought that it was rather cute.

   Barbossa stood up and walked out, signalling us to follow. Jack stood, still eating his apple. He took my hand and lead me up the stairs.

  "Don't worry love, I'll keep you safe," he whispered.

  "I know Jack, but I will be fine on my own,"
  "I know, just know that you'll be ok though," he smiled. I nodded and grasped his hand tighter, I don't know why but it did make me feel safer.

  Jack looked over the railing and saw that we were coming up on the interceptor. That was where Will and Elizabeth were, I needed to make sure that Barbossa wouldn't hurt them.

   "Jack! We need to do something! Will and Elizabeth are on there, Gibbs and the crew or on there, we have to save them!"

  "Shh, I know darlin', I'll make sure that they make it out safe and sound,"

  I nodded in complete trust of what Jack had said, I had to.

   We hurried after Barbossa and caught up. Jack walked in front of his telescope and began to talk.

  "I'm 'avin a thought here, Barbossa, what say we run up a flag o' truce, I scurry over to the interceptor and negotiate the return of the medallion? What say you to that!" he proposed, grinning like an idiot.

  "Yes, then nobody gets harmed!" I exclaimed and he focused his attention on me.

  "No, now lass, take note, a valuable lesson be learned this is, that's exactly the attitude that lost Jack the Pearl, people are easier to search when they're dead," he spoke. I glared at him before lunging at him, kneeing him in the groin. I was quickly pulled back by two crew mates and held back from Barbossa, who groaned in pain.

  "Don't you dare bring any harm to my sister or my friends!" I spat, looking at Jack, who looked both worried and impressed.

  "Lock 'er in the brig, and Sparra..." he ordered. I was dragged away by the Bosun as I yelled curses at Barbossa.

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