Walking the Plank

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    I spotted Elizabeth in the crowed of men fighting and ran straight over to her; when she spotted me she gasped.

  "Hazel!" she breathed, whilst fighting off the crew men.

  "Elizabeth! You're safe! Where's Will?" I shouted over the commotion. She had a troubled face.

  "He went to look for the medallion below deck!"

  "Is he alright?!" I yelled, below deck I was aware that there was a lot of water.

  "I don't know! I'll check once I get rid of these!" she yelled, while shooting men with her shotgun. Me and Jack were both weaponless, as Barbossa had confiscated our swords and Jack's pistols. I was proud of my little sister for being so brave, even if she was annoying.


  One man lunged at me, about to smack me so I curled up against the rail, but the pain never came. I looked up to see Jack firmly grasping the mans wrist.

  "Don't you dare!" he seethed while Elizabeth elbowed him in the face. She knelt next to me.

  "Hazel, tell me what happened to you at the Isla de Muerta!" she held out a hand for me to take and I stood up.

  "Later! When this is all over!"

  I took the mans sword from the floor and grabbed Elizabeth and Jack.

  "We need the medallion!" I said, kneeling down so we were less likely to be seen.

  "Aye, where is it?" Jack asked Elizabeth. She gave him a disgusted look.

  "Wretch!" she spat, trying to hit Jack, but he stopped her from doing so.

  "Elizabeth! Please don't hurt him, we can trust him!"

  "He threatened you Hazel! And he's a pirate!"

   This was about the one hundredth time someone had told me he was a pirate. I knew he's a bloody pirate! Do I care? No!

  "Elizabeth. We can trust him," I repeated and she reluctantly nodded.

  Jack looked at her bandaged hand and a look of realisation dawned on his face.

  "Ahhhh, where is dear William?" he smirked. Simultaneously, me and Elizabeth turned to look at the entrance to below deck.

  "Will," she breathed. Jack watched her hurry off to him and turned back to me.

  "Go an' help her,"

  So I ran off, but not before I heard him shout, 'monkey!'

  When I looked through the floor, I saw Will trapped between two planks off wood, with water at chest level.

  "He's going to drown!" I gasped and Elizabeth began pulling at the entrance harder.

  "We can't move it!" she cried before the both of us were pulled away by Barbossa's men.

   "WILL!" we both screamed. God. He was going to die and it would be partially my fault.

  We were roughly carried away as we squirmed in their grip. I couldn't get my mind off Will, and I stopped resisting as there was no point. I just hoped that Jack had it all under control, he always had a plan, right?


  We were all tied around the mast and the short, stubby man pulled out a gun, threatening us.

  "If any of you so much as THINKS the word 'Parlay', I'll 'ave yet guts for garters!"

  Barbossa smirked and fiddled with the coin between his fingers.

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