Let me Talk to you

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After I had climbed aboard once more, around hour had passed. I sat on a barrel and sighed, humming a tune that I always loved.

A pirates life for me.

I tried to pass the time. I hated being lonely, Will was off, probably practicing sword fighting knowing him and I didn't want to talk to anyone else, especially not Jack.

As if God was against me, the next thing I heard was Jack take a seat next to me and clear his throat. I looked at him and rolled my eyes, huffing.

"What do you want Sparrow?"

"Just as I thought, is there a problem between us darlin'?" he asked, his face seemed genuinely curious and a little concerned.

"What's it to you?" I asked.

"Well I don't want a problem with you, therefore you can't have a problem with me, savvy?"

"Can I not?" I retorted. I really didn't have the energy to talk to him. Not after what he said about Will.

"Well I say we take this to me cabin eh?" he proposed.

I mean I had nothing better to do, and I guess that I should at least try to sort a few things out with Jack, if I was to be able to stand him on our voyage.

"If that would make you happy," I sighed, standing up and walking to his cabin. He stood up and shrugged, making his way over to the cabin.

Once he was inside I slammed the door and folded my arms.

"You'd better make this quick Sparrow," I warned.

He nodded to my surprise.

"What's the matter Hazel?" he almost whispered. I was quite shocked. His voice held a very calm tone and he didn't meet my eyes, he instead stared at the floor, seemingly upset. He began to take small steps toward me. I stepped back which made him give me an even sadder look. He continued to approach me with caution.

I didn't know what this meant, but I wasn't scared of him, just upset with him.

"What's it to you?"

"Hazel. What's the matter?" he repeated sternly. I shook my head.

"Nothing," I sighed, on the verge of tears. I wanted to trust him, I wanted to talk to him, maybe even get to know him, but he was a liar, and a cheat. I pushed past him on my way to leave.

He gently grabbed my arm and back me up against the wall. I didn't know what to do, what was wrong with me.

"Hazel, talk to me, have I done something to upset you?" he whispered close to my ear, staring into my eyes with his dark orbs.

"Will," I whispered. I wanted answers.

"Please Jack, listen to me,"

"I am love, now please, tell me what's the matter,"

"Jack, why do you care?" I asked quietly. Nobody ever really cared what I thought and definitely not pirates.

"Hazel, I--- don't know, but I do, so please tell me and I'll fix it," he smiled sadly, rubbing his hands gently up my arms. It was soothing, should I have been scared? I trusted him.

"Jack, if you truly cared, you wouldn't hurt Will," I looked away from him in sadness. He furrowed his brows.

"You know what I mean Jack, your leverage," I muttered. He shook his head frantically.

"No, no, no, no Hazel don't worry, his name is enough to bargain with, you know I'd never let any harm come to him right," he smiled.

Every bit of hatred I felt for the man broke down. I trusted him, I was happy for once, for Wills' safety, and that Jack wasn't some murderer.

"You mean it?"
"Of course love," he confirmed, smiling.

I was just so relieved that I jumped into his arms, disregarding any of my previous thoughts about Jack. He stiffened at first but then slowly accepted it, a little awkwardly but he smiled.

"Is that it love?"

"Yes, I think so, that and I'm just scared for Elizabeth," I revealed and he nodded in understanding.

"Aye, but don't worry, Barbossa won't hurt her, and she'll be ok, I'm going to keep both you and her safe and sound, savvy?"

"Savvy," I grinned and he smirked, patting my back.

"Good, you're my responsibility,"

"Says who?" I asked, smirking.

"Says I,"

I chuckled and he caressed my cheek, I must have been blushing profusely at this point, getting lost in his deep eyes. He smiled before snapping back to sense, clearing his throat. I was slightly disappointed, and tried to hide the embarrassment that I felt.

"Actually, I...uh, brought you something," he grinned, walking over to his wardrobe/cupboard and opened it, rummaging around, before he pulled out a sash, and a sword.

"You said that you could sword fight, so here's your chance to prove yourself," he smiled, handing me the sword.

I unsheathed it, its sound rang through the room, it was a beautiful sword. The handle had silver and what seemed to be emerald engraved in it and a few small tassels hung from the bottom.

"It's beautiful, where did you get this?" I exclaimed. He smirked and tapped the side of his nose knowingly.

"Or should I ask where you stole it from?" I giggled; he shook his head.

"Maybe, maybe not, but I'm glad you like it darlin',"

"Like it!? I love it!" I almost squealed and he laughed a little.

"Thank you so much Jack, I'll pay you back some time,"

"No need love, now dear ol' Jack must be gettin' back to his duties, you can come with me if you want," he offered. I nodded and smiled.

Perhaps Jack was not as bad as I had thought. He actually cared for me as far as it looked and it made me happy. I was very grateful for the gift that he had brought me, it was beautiful, and I was happy that he had thought of me. I wanted to get to know him more in the future, he seemed very interesting, free willed and just..... different.

I followed him out of the cabin to the bright summers day. It was rather windy which picked up the speed of the ship. I took my original seat on the barrel and sharpened my sword, feeling content and relived that Will was safe, and Jack had at least some sense of moral.

Jack stood at the helm, his brown hair waving in the wind, he winked at me from the wheel and I shook my head jokingly, leaving myself to my thoughts.

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