"I understand it, I really do, but just try okay? For her?"

"I don't have an Asher to help me, Laura," he said bitterly.

What about your friends? Family? At least you have friends, she was my only friend. I didn't say it out loud, because he was clearly hurting more than he let on.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it like that, it's just, I, I'm sorry." He closed his eyes, "It's just, it seems like you moved on so quickly, so easily, and I don't get it."

I laughed humorlessly, "Yeah, it seems like. You had no idea what the last month was like for me. Maybe you should ask Asher."

"I'm sorry, just, I can't do it." He let out a frustrated sigh.

"It's okay, I get it. I'm lucky to have Asher and my family to help me, but what about your friends and family?"

He snorted, "My friends? They have never been in a relationship like mine and they don't get it, they try to help me move on by finding one night stands for me. And my family, they don't understand, they said it was just three months, I should be able to move on."

I kept quiet, I had no reply for that.

"Sorry, didn't mean to let it all out on you," he apologized again.

"It's okay and please stop apologizing it's annoying," that brought a chuckle out of him, "and you can talk to me any time about it, I'm serious, don't suffer alone I will help you." 

"Thanks Laura, but I'm leaving now, I held you back long enough from her."

"True," the corner of his mouth lifted.

"See you around Tom,"

"See you," and he left.

I turned towards Maya, "Look at your boyfriend, well ex."

I took Tom's previous spot and faced her, "Look at what you have done to us," I said jokingly, "anyways I'm not here to say that. I guess you expect me to tell you about my date right? Guess what, it didn't happen."

If she was here right now I swear she would have castrated him already, "Don't worry, he really does had a good reason and he promised to make it up to me today so it's all good."

Silence settled between us because I had no idea what else to say. At last I spoke again, "How I wish more than anything for you to fill this silence. Gods I wish you can answer me and give me snarky replies."

All I got was silence once again, "I just, I just miss you so freaking much, gods. But I am glad that I do have Asher to help me out because without him I think-I don't know, I just won't be able to survive this."

"Okay I should probably stop talking about the same thing over and over again," I stood up, knowing it was about time, "I should probably go and get ready now. Talk to you soon, I love you." My finger tips glazed the tombstone lightly, with a bittersweet smile, I left.

3:57, that was currently the time, and I was all ready. I wore the same outfit I planned to wear yesterday and put on makeup again. I couldn't sit still, I kept on turning my phone on and off, as if waiting for a text.

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